10 Classical                             2025.02.06 20:55 更新 ※: 古いハイパーリンクは行方知れず。 

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Adams,John Coolidge 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Adams,John Christian Zeal and Activity 1 NTR ZaterdagMatinee(2;05:25) Light Over Water -1〜 Short Ride in a Fast Machine City Noir The Death of Klinghoffer -Night Chorus Lollapalooza A Flowering Tree : -1 -2 -Excerpt -Chorus -Finale Tromba Lontana China Gates 1 Lagacy Io sono l'amore Son Of Chamber Symphony Road Movies Theme Song Phrygian Gates -1 -2 -3 El Nino Grand Pianola Music Harmonium -1-excerpt -1 -2 -3 Violin Concerto Doctor Atomic Symphony -1 -2 -3 Chamber Symphony -1 -2 -3 Short Ride Is A Fast Machine II. Mother of the Man Shaker Loops : On the transmigration of souls 2 Shaking and Trembling 2 The Chairman Dances 1 Shaker Loops Hymning slews Tribute Interview In Focus 

◆Adam,Adolphe-Charles 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : Giselle -f -f

Albeniz Isaac Manuel 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Albeniz Isaac Manuel  el color de la música Cádiz (Saeta)  Merlin  -f Iberia -f -f -f -f -f -f Iberia XI La Guitarra Soñada -f Sorozábal: Pepita Jiménez -f Ramón Casas i Carbó nació   Rapsodia spagnola op 70 Rapsodia española -1 -2   Piano Concerto no.1 Fantástico -f -f -1 -2 -3   Suite española:Sevilla Suite Española -f Suite Española no.1 -1 -2 -3  Asturias 1 2 Cantos de España, Op.232 1 5 Cantos de Espana   Suite española, Op. 47-Asturias 1 2 -Sevilla 1 2 -Granada 1 -Cuba 1 -Cádiz 1 2 -Aragon -Castilla 2 -CATALUÑA 1 -Aragon 1 Seguidillas op.232-5 Almería - from suite Iberia book 2 Iberia: El Albaicin Malagueña Granada Rumores de la caleta Op 71 N° 6 Champagne Waltz in E-Flat Major La Vega España - Seis hojas de álbum, Op.165 Espana Op. 165 No. 2 Tango 1 El Albaicin Còrdoba -Tango - Castilla - Bajo La Palmera  Tango in A minor op.164-3 Evocación, Hermen Anglada Camarasa   Sevilla Op. 47 No. 3 Torre Bermeja Sevilla op. 47 Asturias 0 1 2 3 4    Cantos de España, Op. 232  Evocación, Hermen Anglada Camarasa Rumores de la Caleta

Albinoni, Tomaso 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Adagio in G minor* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Concerto per oboe op.9 n.6 1 2 12 Concertos, Op.9 1 Oboe Concerto in C, Opus 9 Concerto for two oboes, strings & b.c. in C major Concerti a cinque Op.10 Concerti e Sinfonie Op 2 Op 07, Concerti a cinque  12 concerti a cinque Opus 5. I Musici Chamber Sonatas Concertos and Sinfonias Il Nascimento de l'Aurora    

Alfvén,Hugo  1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony* Symphony no.1 1  no.2 1 2   no.3 1  no.4 1 2 3 4  no.5    "The Stranger Left No Card" En bygdesaga A village saga Man's woman Suite Swedish Rhapsody No. 1 op.19 : "Midsommarvaka" 1 2 3 4 5 En skärgardssägen (A Legend of the Skerries) Op.20 -1 -2 Svensk Rapsodi nr 2, Op.24 Festspel (Festivalouverture), Op.25, R59 1 2 3 Drapa "In Memoriam King Oscar II", Op.27 Vallflickans Dans Bergakungen, Op.37 Elégie at Emil Sjögren's funeral, Op.38 Sorgmarsch, Op. 42 1 Beginning swedish rhapsody no.3 - Andante (Dalecarlian rhapsody) Op.47 1  Elegy from 'King Gustav II Adolf', Op. 49 1 2 Festive Ouverture, Op.52 Suite from The mountain King - Trollfickans dans (Sorceress's Dance) - Besvärjelse (Invocation)   Drottningen av Sabas festmarsch Fårehyrdepigens dans Prodigal Son Steklat Summer Rain Andante Religioso Liten svit for soloflöjt At the Turn of the Century Dance of the Shepherd Girl Sarabanda   Skogen sover 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aftonen 1 2 3 4 Julsång 1 2 3 4 Uti vår hage 1 2 3 4 5 Sofia Vokalensemble Så Tag Mit Hjerte Jag längtar dig 1 2 Och jungfrun hon gar i ringen Gryning vid havet Sa Tag Mit Hjerte Lindagull, lindagull lilla La Rosa zingt   

André Jolivet 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -André Jolivet

Arvo Pärt 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Arvo Pärt Pärt: Cantus In Memory Of Benjamin Britten〜(ECM New Series Anthology)

Bach,J.S. 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Orchestral Suite -f -f no.1 -1〜 no.2 -1〜 no.3 -1〜 no.4 -1〜 Partita no.1 -2〜 no.2-12 3 -2 1 2 -3 1 2 -4 no.3-1 2 3 -2 1 -3 1 2 3 4 19 Sinfonias -f Chaconne BWV.1004 arranged -1-1-1-1-1〜 -1-1〜 Concertos BWV 1043 -1〜 Gardiner project -1〜   Violin Concertos The Brandenburg Concertos -f -1〜 Brandenburg concerto no. 2 BWV 1047〜 Brandenburg Concerto no.5 -1〜 Concerto for Violin and Oboe in D minor. BWV 1060. Adagio Italian Concerto BWV 971 -1〜 French Suite no.2 BWV 813 -1〜 Goldberg variations -f Ricercare a 6 from "Musikalisches Opfer" BWV 1079 1 5 8 -1〜  The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080 -f   Violin Sonata no.1 -4 Violin Sonata no.2 -2 Sonata no.3 Adagio Largo Preludio Partita no.1 : Sarabande Partita no.2 : Allemande Courante Sarabande Gigue Chaconne -1 -2 Partita no.3 : 1 Prelude Loure Gavotte Menuet -1 -2 Gigue Partita no.4 in D major BWV 828 Partita no.5 in G major BWV 829 Partita no.6 BWV 830   Cello Suites -f Double Violin Concerto 1043 -1-1〜 -1〜 -1〜    Passion Johannespassion St. John Passion-f -f Mass in B minor BWV 232〜 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248〜 Cantata Pilgrimage〜 Cantatas * Magnificat WEIHNACHTSORATORIUM BWV 248 Matthaeus Passion -f -f -f -Erbarme Dich -Erwäge wie sein. Psalm 51 BWV 1083 Cantatas BWV 170,198,106,136,53 Kantat BWV140 -1〜 BWV147 -1〜 Prelude & Fugue -transcr. Schoenberg -1 -2 Organ Works -f -1 -2


 その思索であり衝動。 散策の歩幅と足並みは、気まぐれに急ぎ始め。 よそ見を始めそうに思えるが、この速度の揺らぎに、ぼくらの魂はすっかり安心し、“ぐっ”と寄り掛かりたくなる 。 長時間、真っ直ぐのハイウェイを走ると、ゆっくりうねっている方が、でっちゅう(≒熱中)出来、爽快であることに気付く。 


A whiter shade of pale 1/ ☆□You Tube Search

Procol Harum 0 1 2 Sarah Brightman 1 2 3 4 Uli Jon Roth Liza Veiga Gary Brooker 1   

Barber,Samuel 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Barber,Samuel  Adagio for Strings* : Adagio for Strings 1 2 3 4 5   Symphony no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.2 -f -1 -2 First Essay for Orchestra op 12 1 Essay for Orchestra no.1 no.2 no.3 Second Essay for Orchestra, Op. 17 1    Medea's Meditation and Dance of Vengeance, op. 23a Overture to "The School for Scandal Mutations From Bach Capricorn Concerto, Op. 21 ANDROMACHE'S FAREWELL Die natali, op. 37 -1 -2 Agnus Dei 1 Toccata -1 -2 Body of a Woman Summer Music, Op. 31 Fadograph of a Yestern Scene    Violin Concerto -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3  Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 22   Sonata, Op. 6 1    Summer Music for Wind Quintet 1   Piano Concerto op.38 -f -1 -2 -3 Canzone-Moderato, Piano Concerto Sonata for Piano, Op. 26 1 Nocturne, Op.33 Excursions Four Excursions, Op.20 Souvenirs, Op.28 1 Ballade op. 46   Summer Music for Wind Quintet String Quartet No. 1 -1 -2 -3 String Quartet, Op. 11 -1 -2    Serenades Knoxville, Summer of 1915 Op. 24 Twelfth Night -1 -2 Songs Sleep Now 2 songs 4 Songs, Op. 13 1  Nuvoletta Nocturne Hermit Songs  -1 -2 Dover Beach", Op. 3 The Crucifixion Love's Caution Prayers of Kierkegaard -1 -2 -3 -4 

Bartók, Béla 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Bartók, Béla  Concerto for Orchestra 1 2 3 4 Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta 1 2 3 4 5 Divertimento for String Orchestra 1 2 3 4 5 Suite No.1 for Orchestra, Op.3 Sz.31 -1 -2  Dance Suite 1 2 -1 -2 Romanian Dances 1 2 3 4 Hungarian Pictures 1 The Miraculous Mandarin 1 2 3 4   documentary/biography -1 -2 folk song collecting -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -4 8 hungarian folk songs 1 2 3 4 Old Hungarian Songs 1 2 3    The Wooden Prince 1 Cantata Profana 1 2  -1 -2 -3   Melodia 1 2 3 Solo Sonata 1 2 3 4 15 Hungarian Peasant Songs -1 -2 1 2  Gyermekeknek (For Children) Sz. 42: Volume 1 - II. Children's Song - "Dawn, O Day"  CONCIERTO PARA DOS PIANOS Y PERCUSION  Piano Concerto no.1 1 2 3 4  no.2 1 2 3 4  no.3 1 2 3 4 Mikrokosmos -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -o 1 2 3 4 5 Sonata for Violin and Piano no.1 1 2  no.2 -1 -2 -f -f 8 Mikrokosmos from No.97 to 153 Two Pictures -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 Out of Doors (Szabadban), suite for piano    Duos for 2 violins -1 -2   Violin Concerto no.1 1 2 3 4  no.2 1 2 3 4   Viola Concert-f -f   Rhapsody No.1 1  2 Folk Melodies for Violin and Cello 1 2 3 4 5 Duos for Cello Roumanian Dances   Contrasts for Clarinet, Violin & Piano -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -f -f   A Kékszakállú Herceg Vára -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5  Piano Quintet 1  String Quartet* no.1 1 2  no.2 1 2 3 no.1〜3 no.3 1 2 3 no.4 1 2 3 no.5 1 2 3 4 no.6 1 2 3 4   Il Mandarino Meraviglioso -1〜 Hertog Blauwbaards burcht, op. 11 1 2 3 Duke Bluebeard's Castle -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Beethoven 1/ ☆□You Tube Search

Symphony no.1 -f -f -f -f  no.2 -f -f -f -f -f  no.3 -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.4 -f -f -f -f  no.5 -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.6 -f -f -f -f -f  no.7 -f -f -f -f -f  no.8 -f -f -f -f  no.9 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f no.10 -1 -2 Overture : Egmont 1 2 Fidelio 1 Leonore no.1 no.2 1 2 3 no.3 1 2 3 Wellington's Sieg 1 Prometheus 1 Coriolanus 1 2 3 Namensfeier Die Weihe des Hauses The Consecration of the House 1 The Ruins of Athens 1 2 King Stephen 1   Piano Concerto -f -f no.1 1 2 3  no.2 1 2  no.3 1 2 3  no.4 1 2 3 4  no.5 0 1 2 3 4   Piano Sonata -f -f -f -1〜  no.1  no.2  no.3  no.4  no.5  no.6  no.7  no.8  no.9  no.10  no.11  no.12  no.13 1  no.14  no.15  no.16  no.17  no.18  no.19  no.20  no.21 1  no.22  no.23 1 2  no.24  no.25  no.26  no.27  no.28  no.29 1  no.30  no.31 1  no.32 1 Six Variations op. 76 Andante Favor Bagatellen -f     Violin Concerto 1 2 3 4 -1〜  Violin Sonata -f -f  no.1  no.3  no.5 1 2  no.6  no.7  no.8  no.9 1 2  no.10 1  no.12 -1〜  Triple Concerto 1 2 3 Cello Sonata -f -f Trio -1〜   Piano Quartet in E flat Major String Quartet -f  no.1  no.3  no.4 -1〜  no.6 -1〜  no.7  no.8 1  no.13  no.14  no.15 1  Grosse Fuge -1-1〜 no.16 -1〜 Oktett op. 103   Trauerkantate auf den Tod Kaiser Josephs II : -1〜 -Soprano aria with Chorus -Rezitativ -Soprano aria Missa Solemnis : Kyrie Gloria Credo Sanctus Benedictus Agnus Dei Fidelio -f Prometheus -f Missa Solemnis -f -f Lied aus der Ferne Sacred Songs op. 48 23 Lieder verschiedener -158/a -1〜 158/b -1〜 The Best -f 6H of The Best -f 

Bellini, Vincenzo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Bellini, Vincenzo Norma*  -f -f I Capuleti e I Montecchi* -f -f -1〜 I Puritani* -f -f -f La Somanbula* -f -f -f -1〜 Beatrice di Tenda* -f  Dopo l'oscuro Prendi, l'anel ti donno Ah! non credea 0 1 2 3 4 Qui La Voce 1 2 3 O quante volte 1 2 I Capuleti e I Montecchi Vien, diletto 1 2 3 La Somanbula In mia man alfin tu sei Lo sognai terito e sangue 1 Chi il bel sogno di Doretta 1 Se Romeo t'uccise un figlio 1 2 Qual cor tradisti... Mira, O Norma Si, fino all'ore 1 Duetto atto ICompagne, teneri amici.. 1 Col Sorriso D'innocenza Come per me sereno Ohquante volte 1 2 3 Son geloso del zefiro errante 1 No, non tremare 1 Oh, rimembranza! 1 2 3 Morte io non temo 1 Casta diva 1 2 3 4 5 7 Vaga luna che inargenti 1 La Sonnambula ni fra qeute braccia Care compagne Amo ed amato io sono Oh quante amare lagrime Qui tollis Overture : Adelson e Salvini Italian Night Symphony from "Norma" 1 Norma 1 I Capuleti e i Montecchi Erinani Torna, vezzosa Fillide Lo sognai ferito, e sangue 

Berio,Luciano 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Berio,Luciano La vera storia -f -1 -2 Un re in ascolto Rendering 1 Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen(Luigi Boccherini) 1 2 Accordo 4 Pezz Sonata for Clarinet and Orchestra Formazioni 1 Cronaca del luogo Concerto per due pianoforti e orchestra  Concerto for Two Pianos -1 -2 Concertino Concerto II Petite suite Récit pieces from Six Encores for piano ricorrenze Requies Bewegung Divertimento Ensemble 1 Chants Parallèles Corale SOLO -1 -2 Canticum Novissimi Testamenti -1 -2 Coro Coro, XXVIII-XXIX Coro, XXX-XXXI Nones Nones / Allelujah II / Concerto For Two Pianos E vò Perspectives Corale Linea 1 Melodrama 1 Outis -1 -2 Ekphrasis Formazioni Eindrücke Epifanie -1 -2 Arditti String Quartet Epifanie  Air Visage Naturale -1 -2 -3 1 2 Sinfonia 1 2 3 -3 Sinfonia for Eight Voices and Orchestra -f Sinfonia III   Movement -1 -2 -3 Differences Rounds Duetti per due violini Due pezzi Cristoforo Caresana Allelujah II -1 -2 Hallelujah II Ritorno degli snovidenia Glosse Fa-SI for organ Opus Number Zoo 1 Ritratto di Città Serenata I° Chemins IV   Sequenza -f Sequenza I 1 Sequenza II 1 Sequenza III 1 2 3 4 Sequenza IV 1 2 3 Sequenza V 1 2 3 Sequenza VI 1 Sequenza VII 1 2  Sequenza VIII 1 2 Sequenza IX Sequenza IXa 1 2 Sequenza IXb 1 2 Sequenza X 1  Sequenza XI 1 2 Sequenza XII Sequenza XIII 1 2 3 Sequenza XIV 1 2   Chemins I Chemins II 1 Chemins III Chemins V 6 encores for piano -1 -2 Piano Sonata Stanze O King 1 Psy for solo Doublebass Lied Momenti Electronic Works Points on the curve to find... 5 Variazioni per piano    Folk songs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Voci (Folk Songs II),  -1 -2 -3 Folk Songs III Coro, I-VIII Voyage to Cythera Chamber Music 1  Circles 1 Visage Laborintus -1 -2 -3 Laborintus II 1 2 3 -1 -2 -3 Omaggio a Joyce Passaggio Circles Cries of London Cries of London, per 8 voci Agnus A-ronne, per 8 voci -1 -2 -3 -4  Calmo a-ronne tarde de entrevista -1 -2 -3   

Berg, Alban 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Berg, Alban  Lulu  : -f -f -f -f Salzburg acte 1 Aria-Sop Lied der Lulu Act 3 finale final acte 3er akt1 (Ende) -f -f Suite  : -f Rondo Ostinato Lied der Lulu Variationen Adagio Adagio -1 -2 Wozzeck  : -f -f -f Act 1 -1〜 Act 2 -1〜 Act 3 -1〜 Finale Lyrisch Suite -1 -2 -1〜 Vier Stücke op.5 -1 -2 Altenberg lieder 1 concert aria "Der Wein" Sieben frühe Lieder 1 7 Frühe Lieder, Nos -1 -2 Lyric Suite Der Wein Drei Orchesterstücke op. 6 -1〜 Die Nachtigall Nine Short Pieces 4 Pieces for Clarinet and Piano 1 -1〜 Piano Sonata op.1 0 1 2 3 4 Violin Concerto -f -f -f -f -f Chamber Concerto für Klavier, Violine und 13 Bläser -1 -2 Seven Early Songs String Quartet op.3 -f -1〜 -1〜 | Synchronisation du Kammerkonzert de Berg

Berlioz,Hector 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Berlioz,Hector  D'amour l'ardente flamme Sur les lagunes 0 Overture : Le Corsaire 1 Les Francs-Juges The Tempest -1 -2 Roman Carnival 1 Béatrice et Bénédict 1 Benvenuto Cellini 1 The King Lear -1 -2、Les Nuits d'été op. 7: 1. Villanelle 2. Le spectre de la rose 3. On the Lagoons 4. Absence 5. Au cimetière 6. L'ile inconnue Villanelle 1 2 Le spectre de la rose 1 Sur les lagunes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Absence 1 Au cimetière 1 L'île inconnue 1 2 La mort d'Ophélie D'amour l'ardente flamme 1 2 3 4   Symphonie Fantastique -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 -1〜 Harold en Italie 1 2 Arranged for Piano by Franz LISZT -f Roman Carnival Overture, op. 9 1 2 3 Nuits d’été La Damnation de Faust, op.24 -f -f : dans le cie Invocation a la Nature Dance and Minuet Strasbourgl Merci, doux crépuscule Romance de Marguerite D'amour l'ardente flamme 1 2 3 Hungarian March 0 1 2 3   Les Troyen Benvenuto Cellini Roméo & Juliette -f -f -f Harold in Italy -f -f -f Requiem -f -f -f -f -f L'enfance du Christ -f -1〜 Symphonie funèbre et triomphale Beatrice et Bénédict 1 

◆Berwald,Franz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Symphony no.1 -f no.2 -f no.4 -f Piano Concerto -f Violin Concerto -1〜 

Bizet, Georges 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

L'Arlésienne Suite* no.1 1 2 3 4 no.2 1 2 L'Arlésienne-Suite -FarandoleCarmen* -f  Symphony in C -f -f -f -f -f  no.3    Chromatic Variations Carmen Opera-f -f -f -f -f -f Carmen Suite* no.1 -1〜 Aragonaise* Carmen -1〜 Ouverture Nous avons en tête une affaire Carmen Sexy Dance Près des remparts de Séville Halte-là! Qui va là? Non! tu ne m'aimes pas! Habanera 1 2 Gypsi Song 1 Final 1 2   Carmen : Prelude Chorus of Cigarette Chorus: Que se passe Laurent Naouri Sequidilla and Duet & Finale Micaela,Don José III.Act:Duet & Finale PART II. Final Duet C'est toi? C'est moi! Jeux d'enfants op.22 Le Docteur miracle -1 -2 -3 -4 TE DEUM Nocturne in D major 1 

Boccherini,Luigi Rodolfo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Minuetto 1 2 3 4 Fandango 1 2 Introduction and Fandango The complete symphonies-f no.3 no.6 Flute Quintets-f Cello Concertos-f -1 -2 -3 no.3 no.5 no.6 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 no.7 no.9-f -1 no.12 Cello Sonatas-f 1 Guitar Quintets-f no.1 no.2 no.6 no.7 La Música Nocturna de Madrid 1 2 3 Quintetto n. 4 G 448 - Fandango no.5 String Quintets with Contrabass-f String Quintets, op. 10-f 1 String Quartet D-Dur op.8-1 3 Quintets for Piano and Strings-f Adagio&Allegro Sonatas for Harp and Flute-f 

Boito,Arrigo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Popular Arrigo Boito & Mefistofele videos   SINFONIA -1 -2   Mefistofele -f -f -f    Dai campi dai prati. "Su, cammina, cammina...Ecco il mondo...."  'l'altra notte in fondo al mare' 1 L'altra notte in fondo al mare 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Lontano, lontano..." Giunto sul passo estremo 1 "Sorge il di!"  "Salve Regina!" 1 "Dio di pieta!...Lontano.." 1 Son lo spirito che nega 1 2 3 "Lontano, lontano"   Ave Signor 1 2 3 4 5 6  Prologo 1 2 3 4   Nerone -f -f -1〜 Atto primo, scena finale 1 "Ecco, la dea si china" Finale dell'Atto secondo -1 -2

Borodin,Alexander 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 -f -f no.2 -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 --1〜 no.3 -f -f   In Central Asia 1 2   String Quartet no.1 -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 -4 String Quartet No: 2 in D -1 -2 -3 -4 -f -f -f -f -3Notturno, Andante 1 2 3 4    Prince Igor  : -f 1    Prince Igor -f -f -f -f -f -Overture 1 2  Polovtsian dances 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -Polovtsian March -Chorus and Dance -Prince Igor's aria 1 2 3 4 5 -'s Aria 1 2 3 4 -Yaroslavna's aria 1 2 3 4 5   Requiem 1 2 3   I hate a Dreary Life

Boulez,Pierre 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Boulez,Pierre Berg Lulu Suite, Debussy Jet D'eau.. -f   Pierre Boulez/ Le marteau sans maître -f -f Variations pour orchestre opus 31 d’Arnold Schoenberg Figures, Doubles, Prismes Donaueschinger Musiktage -f Dérive 2 Livre pour cordes Répons 1 2 Le soleil des eaux 1 Livre pour cordes Soleil des Eaux Sur Incises Livre pour Quatuor Poesie pour pouvoir Constellation Miroir Dialogue de l'ombre double Eclat Rituel Notations pour orchestre 1 2 Notations I-IV -U andZ Messagesquisse explosant-fixe... 1 Piano Sonata no.3 Polyphonie X Ensemble InterContemporain 1  Douze Notations pour piano Structures I & II in Memoriam Anthèmes 2 Sur Incises Pli selon pli -f -f 1 2 Dialogue de l'ombre double Dérive 1 1 Dérive 1 (1984) for 6 instruments 1 Dérive 2 directed Dérive 2 pour 11 instruments Eclat-Multiples O Martelo sem Mestre Figures-Doubles-Prismes Domaines 1 2 3 4 Le Visage nuptial Improvisation III sur Mallarmé Messagesquisse, sur le nom de Paul Sacher Messagesquisse 1 Livre pour cordes  Le Soleil des Eaux Etudes I sur un son Le marteau sans maître -1 -2 -3 Cummings ist der Dichter   The Three Piano Sonatas 1 Piano Sonata no.1 no.2 Trois psalmodies Anthèmes 1 2 Dialogue de l'ombre double Douze Notations pour piano Deuxième Sonate Pour Piano Troisième Sonate pour piano  Incises Dialogue de l'ombre double Structures Livre I Pour Deux Pianos 1 2 3 Structures Livre II, Pour Deux Pianos 1°ère Sonate,Pour Piano Sonatine for Flute and Piano

Brahms, Johannes 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

lullaby* 0 1 2 3 Hungarian Dance* -f -f   Symphony no.1 -f -f -f -f  no.2 -f -f -f -f  no.3 -f -f -f -f  no.4 -f -f -f -f   Serenade no.1 -1 Nänie op.82 Overture : Tragic 1 2 3 4 Akademische Festouvertüre* 1 2 3 Schicksalied op.51 -1 -2 Haydn Variations 1 2 3   Violin Concerto -f -f -f -f -f Double Concerto 1 2 3 4 5 Violin sonata no.1 1 2 no.2 1 2 3 no.3 1 2 Viola Sonata no.1 1 2 3 no.2 1 Cello Sonata -f no.1 1 2 3 no.2 1 2   Piano Concerto no.1 -f -f -f -f -f  no.2 -f -f -f -f -f -f  Piano Sonata no.1 1 2 3 no.2 1 2 no.3 1 2 3 Ballade op.10 no.1 no 2 no.3 no.4 A.B.Michelangeli : Ballade op.10 no.1 no.2 no.3 no.4 Ballade op.10-3 -4 Paganini-Variations op.35   Glenn Gould : Intermezzo op.76-7 op.116-4 op.117-1 -2 -3 op118-.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 〃op.119 .1.2   V. Afanassiev : 4 Ballades op. 10,2 Rhapsodies op. 79 Intermezzo op. 116 op 117,118,119   Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op. 115 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clarinet Trio .114 1 2 3 4 5 Clarinet Sonata No 1 in F minor Op 120 1 2 3  Sonata for Clarinet and Piano No.2 Op.120 No.2  1 2 3  Horn Trio -1〜    string quartet* string quintet* string sextet 1* string sextet 2* Piano Quartet no.3 "Werther" Op.60   Lieder Ophelia-Lieder Songs -f Gestillte Sehnsucht, from Two Songs, Op. 91 -1〜 Dein blaues Auge hält so still Ein Deutsches Requiem -f -f Rinaldo -1〜 Alto Rhapsody op.53 Schicksalslied op.54 -1 -2 Gesange der Parzen, op. 89 Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny) Nänie, for chorus, orchestra & harp ad lib, op. 82 The Best of Brahms

Bruckner,Anton 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony* no.1 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f no.2 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.3 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.4 "Romantic" -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f   no.5 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f   no.6 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.7 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.8 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f Complete Symphonies pt.1 1-4 (Early editions)  pt.2 5-9 (Early editions)  no.3〜 no.9 -f   Te deum -f -f -f Grosse Messe  : Kyrie Credo Benedictus Mass N°3 Psalm150 Vexilla regis Mitternacht Helgoland Milos Vorspiel und Fugue in D minor 4 Préludes en mi b maj Nachspiel in D minor Präludium und Vier Preludien 

Britten, Benjamin 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, op. 34 1 -1 -2 -1 -2 Simple Symphony -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Cello Symphony -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 Young Apollo An American Overture Variations Frank Bridge Variations -1 -2 Sea Interludes -1 -2 -3 -4 Four Sea Interludes -1 -2 Men of Goodwill Russian Funeral Les Illuminations for soprano and string orchestra, op. 18 -1 -2 1 Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings, op. 31 -1 -2 Cello Suite  no.3 -1 -2 -3 Flower Songs, op. 47 Ceremony of Carols 1 2 The Rescue of Penelope -1 -2 -3 Violin Concerto -f -f -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4

Bruch,Max 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 -f -f -f  no.2 -f -f -f  no.3 -f    Violin Concerto no.1 -f -f -f  no.2 -f -f  no.3 -f Suite on Russian Themes -1 -2 -3 Konzertstück in fis-moll, op. 84 Scottish Fantasy -f Kol Nidrei 1 2 Schottische Phantasie op.46 1 Serenade for Violin and Orchestra, op.75 Concerto for Clarinet, Viola and Orchestra in E minor op.88 Double concerto for violin (clarinet) and viola Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra, op. 88a Adagio Appassionato, op.57 no. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 from 8 Pieces for Clarinet, Viola, Piano, op. 83 Concerto for 2 Pianos op.88a Romanze 1 6 Klavierstücke Piano Quintet -1 -2 -3 -4 Octet in B flat major, op. posth -1 -2 -3 Canzone, op.55

Busoni, Ferruccio 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Busoni, Ferruccio  Chaconne BWV.1004 arranged 1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 Indian Fantasy -1 -2 Nocturne Symphonique op.43 Symphonische Suite -1 -2 -3 Lustspielouverture Gesang vom Reigen der Geister Orchestersuite da "Arlecchino" The Magic Flute Ouverture Indianisches Tagebuch Bach/Busoni Toccata, Adagio & Fugue BWV 564 -1 -2 -3 Piano Concerto op.39 -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 -1-1〜 An die Jugend, pieces (4) Andantino Sostenuto 1 Sonatina seconda Toccata 1 Violin Concerto -1 -2 -3 Violin Sonata no.2 -f -1〜 Suite for Clarinet and String Quartet -1 -2 -3 An Babylon Wasser..ebraici op. 15 Ich sah die..ebraici op. 15  Turandot -f regia di Lucio Dalla  Doktor Faust -1 -2 -3

Cage,John 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Cage,John In A Landscape 1 2  Ocean of Sounds Ryoanji 1 Solo for Sliding Trombone Sound -1 -2 -3 Dream 1 Four 1 Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra Piano Concerto 1 2 3 4 EXPERIENCES no.1 FOR TWO PIANOS Amores Sonata X for Prepared Piano A Valentine Out of Season John Cage 1 2 3 4 Music for Marcel Duchamp Dance no.3 for two Amplified Prepared Pianos -no.1 -no.2 -no.3 Daughters of the Lonesome Isle sound. at the Schindler House -1 -2 Spring Summer Winter Fall Souvenir, for organ Five Luciane Cardassi Piano Opus 20 Modern Masterworks -1 -2 Cartridge Music amplified cacti and plant materials with a feather Imaginary Landscape no.5 a Room Forever and Sunsmell musica para piano y cámara de video Speech Measha Brueggergosman Bacchanale, for prepared piano 1 Sonata V for two pianos Variations III percution in love with another sound Third Construction Living Room Music SPEECH RADIO5 Student Film Talk : about silence | The Cry of Jazz (1959) -1 -2 -3 -4

◆Catalani 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

La Wally* 

◆Cavalli, Francesco 1/ ☆□You Tube Search

Atto -f

Chabrier,Emmanuel 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

España 1 2 Suite Pastorale -1 -2 Habanera 1 caprice & petite valse Feuillet d'album & Ballabile 10 Pièces pittoresques : Paysage 1 2 mélancolie 1 2 Tourbillon 1 Sous-bois 1 Mauresque Idylle Danse villageoise 1 Improvisation Menuet pompeux Valse 1 2 Ronde champêtre Caprice Bourrée fantasque 1 Feuillet d'album 1 Ballabille 1 Aubade Joyeuse Marche 2 Pièces pittoresques Couplets de Mariette Tes yeux bleus Ode à la Musique Chanson pour Jeanne Impromptu Gwendoline Overture L'île heureuse Le Roi malgré lui -Entrée de Minka et scène -Chanson tzigane -Entr'acte -Danse slave -Finale

Chausson, Ernest 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Chausson, Ernest  Symphony in B-flat major, op.20 1 -1 -2 -3 -1〜 Viviane, Symphonic Poem on a legend of the Round Table, op. 5 1 Soir de Fête, poème symphonique 1 Poéme de l'amour et de la mer. Op 19 1 -1 -2 -1 -2 Poeme op.25 1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2  Sérénade Italienne Le Roi Arthus Le Colibri L'Albatros Pièce op 39 1 Trio en sol mineur op.3 1 2 Le temps des lilas 1 Concerto in D Major for Violin, Piano and String Quartet op.21 1 2 3 Piano Quartet in A, op. 30 PIANO TRIO IN G MINOR 5 Fantaisies Sarabande op 26 1 Décidé Quetre melodies op. 13 Sicilienne Les Heures Chanson Perpétuelle 0 1 Le temps des lilas 1 Le Colibri Le Charme 1 La nuit & Le réveil 

◆Cherubini 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Medea* Requiem* Ave Maria* 

Chopin 1 2/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Chopin,Frédéric François Les Sylphides -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4  -1 -2 -3 -4   Piano Concerto no.1 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 Piano Concerto no.2 -f-f -f-1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4  Fantasia* op.13 1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 op.49 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2  Impromptu op. 29 op. 36 op.61 op.66 1 2 3 4  Andante spianato and Grande Polonaise op. 22 1 2 3 4  Rondo op. 5 op.16 1  Barcarolle op. 60 1  Polonaise-Fantasie op. 61 1 2 3 4  Prelude-f -f -f -f op.28-15 op.45 op.53   Ballade-f -f  no.1 op.23 1   Etude -f -f -f-f op.10 -f -f op.25 -f -f  Waltz -f -f -f -f -f no.3 op.34  Brilliantop.34-1   Nocturne-f -f -f -1 -2 -3 op.9-2  Mazurka -f -f -1 -2 -3 op 33 no.1 op. 33 no.4 op.59-1 op.59-2 op.68 no.2  Polonaise -f -f   Grande Polonaise Brillante  Scherzo -f -f -f no.2 op.31 1 2  Piano Sonata -f no.2 1 2 3 4 no.3 1 2 3 4   Cello Sonata -f -f op.64-2 op.64-3 op.64-4 op.65-1 -2 op.65  Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Chopin Recital,

Cilea,Francesco 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Adriana Lecouvreur*-f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -h Intermezzo "Acerba voluttà" 1 2 3  Io Son L'umille Ancella 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 La Principessa di Bouillon 1 Poveri fiori 1 2 3 No, la mia fronte, che pensier non muta L'anima ho stanca Ecco il monologo L'anima ho stanca Scene of the 3-rd act  

◆Cimarosa, Domenico 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :           

Il matrimonio segreto* Il ritorno di Don Calandrino* Oboe concerto* 

◆Copland 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Appalachian Spring -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 Symphony for Organ and Orchestra -1 -2 -3 Symphony no.3-4 -1 -2 

◆Charpentier 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Te Deum* Messe de Minuit pour Nöel'* Magnificat* 

◆Dallapiccola,Luigi / Vol de nuit -1 -2 -3 -4

Debussy, Claude 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Debussy, Claude Pelléas et Mélisande L'après-midi d'un faune -1 -2 -1 -2 1 2 3 4 Syrinx 0 1 2 3 La mer* -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -De l' aube à midi.. -Jeux de vagues -Dialogue du vent.. petite suite* Toccata* Valse* Dream* Clair de Lune* 0 1 2 Moonlight Reverie* Nocturne* 0 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -Nuages* -Fetes* -Sirenes* Abaresque* 1 Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun Prelude* 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 Images Book 1 - Hommage à Rameau plays Debussy -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 A.Michelangeli Plays* La Cathedrale La fille.. La Serenade.. Voiles Des pas.. Les collines.. Ce qu’a vu le.. La danse de Puck Minstrels Le vent dans.. Le sons et ..   Cello Sonata-1 -2 Violin and Piano Sonata-1 -2 -3 serenade interrompue Gellert baths, Reflets dans l´Eau 1 Hommage à Rameau, Images I Hommage à Rameau -1 Mouvement -1 Michelangeli plays Debussy Images -1 -2 Cloches à travers les feuilles -1 -2 Poissons d'or La Damoiselle élue -1 -2 -3

◆Deldevez,Edouard 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Paquita - Paris Opera Ballet

◆Delibes,Clément Philibert Léo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Lakmé* -Flower Duet* Coppelia* -f -Sylvia Suite*   -Mazurka*

Delius,Frederick 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Delius,Frederick  IDYLLE DE PRINTEMPS Dances for Orchestra On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring Late Swallows 1 Sea Drift -Im Meerestreiben -after Walt Whitman Small Tone Poems: Winter Night -1 -2 -3 A Song before Sunrise 1 American Rhapsody Dance Rhapsody no.1 no.2 Intermezzo Irmelin Prelude 1 Two Pieces for Small Orchesta La Calinda Irmelin Prelude 1 Sleigh Ride 1 Aquarelles En un jardín de verano Florida Suite -f 1 2 -1 -2 -3 -At Night 2 -By The River 1 2 -Summer Evening Sunset Near the Plantation I. Daybreak 1 The Song of the High Hills 1 2 3 Walk to the Paradise Garden 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Over the Hills and Far Away Sonata for strings -1 -2 -3 -4  Brigg Fair 1 2 3 -An English Rhapsody Brigg Fair, An English Rhapsody The March of Spring  Summer Night on the River 1 2 A Song of Summer 1 2 3 -f In a Summer Garden 1 2 On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring Appalachia -1 -2 -3 -4 Hiawatha -1 -2 Paris Nocturne, The Song of a Great City Once upon a time North Country Sketches 1 Petite Suite no. 1 On Hearing The First Cuckoo in Spring 1 Paa Vidderne Two Aquarelles 'La Calinda' from Koanga North Country Sketches 1 MÚSICA INCIDENTAL Folkeraadet 1 Air & Dance, for string orchestra 1 Appalachia, Variations on an Old Slave Song with Final Chorus Legende Songs of farewell -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Brigg Life's Dance Folkraadet -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Folkraadet (The Council of the People)  -1〜   3 Small Tone Poems -1 -2 -3   Piano Concerto in C minor 1 2 3 Piano Concerto -1 -2 -1 -2 Three Preludes for Piano Five Pieces Prelude no. 1 no.2 no.3 Mazurka Waltz -1 -2 Toccata   La Flute A La Cour -1 -2 -3 La Flute A La Cour De Louis XV -1 -2 -3 Folkraadet (The Council of the People)  -1〜   double-concerto -1 -2 Violin Concerto 1 2 Légende for Violin and Orchestra Caprice Romance 1 Violin Sonata no.1 -f -1 -2  no.2 -1 -2 -3  no.3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3   String Quartet Complete Cello Concerto Cello Sonata -1 -2 -3  Requiem 1 Twilight Fancies Nietzsche The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls Midsummer Song Songs of Sunset TwilightFancies Songbook Volume One  Sea Drift -1 -2 Koanga -f -f 1 -1 -2 -3 -La Calinda -Koanga seeks out the voodoo priests The Magic Fountain -f A Village Romeo and Juliet -f Song of Summer -f -1〜  The Song of the High Hills -1 -2 -3 Song of Sunset    Orchestral Works -f The Very Best of Frederick Delius -f   

◆D'Indy,Vincent 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphonie sur un Chant Montagnard -f -f -f -1〜 Souvenirs, poème symphonique -1 -2 Symphonic Poem, op.12, no.3 Symphony no.2 -f -f Symphonie 'Italienne' -f   Jour d'été à la montagne, pour orchestre -1 -2 -3 Poème des rivages -1 -2 -3 -4 Suite en ré dans le style ancien op. 24 Lied, op.19 Karadec, op. 34 Istar, op. 42 Lied Maritime op.43 Choral Varie, op. 55 Saugefleurie, légende pour orchestre -1 -2 Jour d'été à la montagne, pour orchestre -1 -2 -3 Diptyque méditerranéen, pour orchestre -1 -2 Suite en parties pour flûte, harpe, violon, alto et violoncelle op. 91 Sarabande and Minuet Piano Quintet in G minor Op 81 -f -1 -2 -3 -4 String Quartet no.2 Trio op.29 -1 -2 -3 -4

◆Dohnanyi, Ernst von

Violin Concerto no.1 -1 -2 Violin Sonata op 21 -1 -2 -3 etude no.6, capriccio Pastorale sextett -1〜 Piano Quintet N no.1 -1〜 Ruralia Hungarica Op 32b

Donizetti,Gaetano 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

♫ Play List -Donizetti,Gaetano L'elisir d'amore* -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 3 5 9 0 1 2 3 4 Don Pasquale* -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  1 2 4 Anna Bolena* -f -f -f -f -f 4 5 6 La Fille du Regiment* -f -f -f -f -f -f 0 3 4 6 7 8 Lucia di Lammermoor* -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 1 2 4 5 7 9 0 1 2 4 5 La Favorite* -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 1 2 3 4 8 9 Maria Stuarda* -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 1 2 3 4 Maria di Rohan* -f -f -f -f Lucrezia Borgia* -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 1 2 3 4 Parisina d'Este* -f -f -f Linda di Chamounix* -f -f -f -f -f 1 3 4 L' esule di Roma* -f 1 Il Duca d'Alba* -f -f 1 3 Il campanello* -f -f -f -f -f  Fausta* -f -f 1 2 3 Pia de' Tolomei* -f -f 1 Imelda de' Lambertazzi* -f 1 2 Poliuto* -f -f -f -f -f 1 2 3 Belisario* -f -f -f 1 Alahor In Granata* -f 1   Overture : Don Pasquale L'ajo nell'imbarazzo La Favorita Rosmonda d'Inghilterra Roberto Devereux Les Martyrs OLIVO E PASQUALE Marino Faliero O Nume pietoso Poliuto Ugo, Conte di Parigi Dessane、  Il Barcaiuolo 1 Il Giovedi Grasso 1 Alahor in Granata 1 Torquato Tasso 1 Rita 0 1 2 3 4 5 Pia de' Tolomei 1 Il Poliuto 0 1 2 3 Larghetto e Allegro Ave Maria Ne ornera la bruna chioma

Duparc,Henri 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Lénore, poème symphonique d'après Bürger Chanson triste Au pays où se fait la guerre Mignon Soupir Phidyle Extase L'invitation au voyage 1 

Dvorak, Antonin 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 -f -f -f -f no.2 -f -f  no.3 -f -f -f  no.4 -f -f -f  no.5 -f -f -f -f  no.6 -f -f -f -f  no.7 -f -f -f -f -f  no.8 -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.9 "From the New World" -f -f -f -f -f -f   Orchestral Works -1 -2 -3 Carnival Overture 1 In Nature´s Realm op.9 1 Vanda Otello Rusalka Husitska Čert a Káča The Water Goblin -f -1 -2 -3   Cello Concerto -f -f -f -f -f -f Violin Concerto -f -f -f -f -f Piano Concerto -f -f -f -f -f   Serenade in E major, Op. 22 -f -f -f -f -f Serenade in D minor, Op. 44 -f -f -f -f   Slavonic Dance -f Slavonic Dance op.46 -f 1 op.72 Slavonic dance no.1 1 2 no.2 1 2 3  no.3 1 2  no.4 1 2  no.5 1  no.6 1  no.7 1 2 n o.8 1 2  no.9 2  no.10 1 2   String Quartet in A major, Op. 2 D minor, Op. 34 E flat major, Op. 51 Op. 77 1 no. 12 in F major, Op. 96 no. 14 in A-flat major, Op. 105 G major, Op. 106 Romantic Pieces op.75 1 Trio in E minor Op.90 "Dumky" Piano Quartet in D major, Op. 23 A major, op. 81 1 2 A major sextet   singing DVORAK Biblical Songs Moon Song 3 4 6 Rusalka 0 1 3 4 5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -2.1 -2.3 -2.4 -2.5 -2.6 -3.1 -3.2 -3.3 -3.5 -3.6 -3.7 -3.8 TE DEUM -1 -2 -3 -4 Stabat Mater* 1 Requiem -f The Best of Dvorak -1 -2 

◆Eliasson,Anders 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Sinfonia -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9

Elgar, Sir Edward 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Elgar, Sir Edward Symphony no.1 -f -f -1 -2 -1〜 Symphony no.2 -f -f -1-1〜   Sea Pictures, Op. 37 Enigma Variations 1 The Dream of Gerontius The Sigh of Healing: At the Beautiful Gate The Arrest O Lord  Almighty, God of Israel This shall ye have of Mine hand Variations on an Original Theme Op. 36 - Enigma 1 2 Polonia Pomp and Circumstance Marches, Op. 39 Pomp & Circumstance no.1 no.2 no.3 no.4 no.5   Violin Concerto -f -1 -11 Cello Concerto -f -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3   Serenade for Strings, Op. 20 Allegro for strings, Op.47 Introduction and Allegro for Strings -1 -2 Dream Children op.43 Salut d'amour Sospiri 1 Elegy In the South   Piano Quintet in A minor, Op. 84   The Apostles -f The Music Makers The Spirit of England, Op. 80 From the Bavarian Highlands, Op. 27 Sea slumber Song 1 Watchmen, alert! the King is here Nimrod The Black Knight -1〜 Cockaigne Overture Great is the Lord   The Best of Elgar -f

Enescu,George 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Roumanian Rhapsody no.1 op.11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rapsodia Romana op.2 1 2 3 Symphony no.1 -f -f no.2 -f -1-1-1〜 no.3 -f -f -1〜   Estrenne a Anne Présent de couleur blanche Tu m-ai uitat Soupir Romanian Poem Oedipe -1〜 -1〜 Danses rustiques Vox Maris -1〜 Balada pentru vioara Renouveau champetre Concert Piece Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D major 'Villageoise' Sonata for Cello and Piano no.1 op.26 -f -f no.2 -f Suite for Piano no. 1, Op. 3 Cantabile et Presto   Violin Sonata -f no.3 -1-1〜 Legende Impressions d'Enfance for Violin and Piano op.28 -f -f Beethoven/ KreutzerViolin Sonata no.9 -1 -2 Festival George Enescu -1〜 String Octet Op. 7 -f Œdipe, opéra -1〜

Falla, Manuel de 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Falla, Manuel de Nights in the Gardens of Spain* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1〜 -1-1〜 El Amor Brujo* -f 1 2 3 4 El Sombrero de tres picos 1 2 3 4    he Three Cornered Hat* 1 2 3 -1〜 Danza del juego del amor Canción del fuego fatuo   Concerto for Harpsichord 1 2 El Retablo de Maese Pedro   Fantasia Baetica 1 -1 -2 Pièces Espagnoles -1 -2 -3 -4   Suite Populaire Espagnole Jota Asturiana 1 Serenata Andaluza 1   Romanza del pescador Esteban Vicente -1 -2 -3 camaron tango   Manuel de Falla's songs tus ojillos negros 1 Nana 1 2 3 7 chansons populaires espagnoles 1 Hommage au Tombeau de Debussy Siete canciones populares espanolas   ATLÁNTIDA -f La Vida Breve* -f 0 1 2 3 4 5

Faure,Gabriel 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Prelude to Pelleas op.80 1 -Lent op. 103 no.2 Pavane 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sicilienne 1 2 3 4 Elegy 1 2 3 Nocturne* no.1 1 no.2 1 no.3 no.4 no.5 no.6 1 no.7 no.9 no.10 no.11 no.12 Fantaisie Berceuse 1 2 Sonata-1 -2 -3 -4 Requiem -Introit -Kyrie 1 2 3 -Offertorium 1 2 -Sanctus 1 2 3 - Pie Jesu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 -Agnus Dei 1 2 3 4 -Libera Me 1 2 4 -In Paradisum 1 2 3 Pie Jesu* 1 | Pink Floyd 

Faure,Gabriel 1/ REQUIEM op.48/ CDCF 176 

 “ゴーーッ”と、森の中を吹き渡る麦風。 たなびくものは、“ヰ”。 

◆Fortner,Wolfgang 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony -1 -2 -3 Sinfonia per grande orchestra Bluthochzeit -Intermezzo Funf Bagatellen 1 Triplum 1 Farewell Violin Concerto -1 -2 -3 Die Pfingstegeschichte nach Lukas Fünf Bagatellen Sonata for Cello -1 -2 -3 

Franck, César 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony in d minor -1-1〜 Psalm 150 1 Panis Angelicus* 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Violin Sonata* -1-1-1-1〜 -1〜 Symphonic Vari..-1 -2 Preludio, coral y fuga -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Sviatoslav Richter plays Prelude, Fugue & Variation op.18 1 -1 -2 -3 Choral no.1 in E Pièce Héroïque 1 2 3 

Fritz Kreisler 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Fritz Kreisler、Others

Gabrieli, Giovanni1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Gloria (12 parts) Canzonas & Sonatas Sacrae Symphonie no. 3 no. 7 Simone A Venetian Coronation 1595 -1 -2 Sacra Symphonia Sonata Pian'e Forte Sonata pian e forte Dulcis Jesu patris imago Canzon septimi toni Jubilate Deo Ricercare VIII tono Sanctus Westminster Abbey Choir SoLisztenensemble Kaleidoskop Buccinate in neomenia tuba 3 Canzoni per sonare Lamentaties Exultet, iam angelica Jubilate Deo à 8 Hodie Christus natus est 

Gade,Niels W 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Ouverture "Echoes of Ossian", op. 1 -1 -2 In The Highlands op. 7   Symphony No 1 Op 5 -1 -2 -3 -4 No 2 Op 10 -1 -2 -3 -4 No 3 Op 15 -1 -2 -3 -4 No 4 Op 20 -1 -2 -3 -4 No 5 Op 25 -1 -2 -3 -4 No 6 Op 32 -1 -2 -3 -4 No 7 Op 45 -1 -2 -3 -4 No 8 Op 47 -1 -2 -3 -4 Violin Concerto op. 56 -1 -2 -3 -4 String Quatet in F Major -1 -2 -3 String Octet op. 17 -1 -2 -3 -4 Spring Fantasy op. 23 -1 -2 -3 Piano Sonata in E Minor op. 28 -1 -2 -3 -4 Fünf Gesänge, op. 13 no.4

◆Gershwin 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Rhapsody in Blue -1 -2

◆Ginastera,Alberto Evaristo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Popol Vuh, op. 44 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

◆Giordani,Tommaso 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Quartets & Quintets, L'Astree Caro mio ben*

◆Giordano,Umberto 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Andrea Chenier* Fedora* 

Glass,Louis 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.3 -f -f no.5 -f Piano Quintet in C major, op. 22 -f String Sextet in G major, op. 15 -f String Quartet in A minor, op.23, no.2 -f 

Glazunov,Alexander 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Glazunov,Alexander Symphony* no.1 -f -f -f no.2 -f -1〜 no.3 -f no.4 -f -f -f -f no.5 -f -f -f -f -1〜 -1〜 no.6 -f  -f -1〜  no.7 -f -f -f -1〜 no.8 -f  -f  -1〜 no.9   Raymonda -f -f -f -f -1〜 -1〜 The Seasons op.67 -f -f -f -1〜 Theme and Variations 1 Poeme lyrique, Op. 12 Serenade no. 1, Op. 7 Ballad in F major Op.78 From The Middle Ages -f -f Ruses d'Amour Op.61 -f Oriental Rhapsody, Op. 29 -f The Kremlin op.30 "The Sea", a Symphonic Fantasy, Op. 28 1 Stenka Razin, Op. 13 The King of the Jews, Op. 95 -f Oriental Rhapsody, op. 29 -1〜 Intermezzo Romantico, Op. 69 The Kremlin, Op. 30 -f From the Middle Ages, Op. 79 -f Orchestral Fantasy "The Forest" op. 19 -1〜 Introduction and Dance of Salome, Op. 90 -f Karelian Legend, Op. 99 -f Mazurka in G, Op. 18 Concert Waltz no.1 1 no.2 1 Scenes de Ballet Petite Suite -1〜 Raymonda Ballet - Act 1〜 -1〜 Chopiniana (Les Sylphides) -f -1〜   Violin Concerto -f -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 Grand Adagio Piano Concerto no.1 -f -f -1〜 Piano Concerto no.2 -f Saxophone Concerto -f -f -f -1-1 -1〜    Concert Ballade - op108 -f Spanish Serenade sonata no 2 in e minor Op 75 -1〜 Piano Sonata n2 b-moll   String Quintet in A Major, Op. 39 -1〜 String Quartet op.15 -1〜 String Quartet no 5 in d minor Glazunov Saxophone Quartet -1   Coronation Cantata op.56

Gluck, Christoph W. 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Euristeo Overture Orfeo Euridice 1 2 3 Orfeo ed Euridice -Overture -Che farò senza Euridice? -ballo: Andante -Trionfi Amore! O del mio dolce ardor 1 2 Che faro senza Euridice 1 2 

Górecki,Henryk Mikołaj 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Henryk Mikołaj Górecki 

Gounod, Charles 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Roméo et Juliette* -f -1 -2  Faust* -f -f -f -f   Symphony no.1 -f -f no.2 -f Petite Symphonie 1 Saltarello   Overture : Faust Mireille La nonne sanglante Funeral March of a Marionette  Concertino for Flute & Chamber Orchestra Le médecin malgré lui Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle Nuit resplindissante    Sapho : Héro sur la tour solitaire O ma lyre immortelle 1 2   Romeo et Juliet : Va, je t'ai pardonné Je veux vivre 1 2 3 Dieu! Quel frisson... AH LEVE-TOISOLEIL L'Amour....Ah, Leve-toi soleil Death Scene Poison Aria 1 Ah! Je ris de ma voir si belle en ce miroir! 0 1 2 Abu Dhabi,march   Faust : Introduction Margarethe Walzer Marguerite Adagio Ballet Music 1 2 Marguerite's aria Roi de Thulé et air des bijoux Il se fait tard Gloire immortelle Dio possente final trio   Mireille* : -f Anges du Paradis...  Ave Maria*    Messe solennelle Santa Cecilia :  -Kyrie -Gloria -Domine salvum -Benedictus -Sanctus 1 -Credo 1 -l'honneur de sainte Cécile   O Divine Redeemer 1 2 Domine salvum fac .. Napoleorem Messe brève no. 7 4eme Messe Chorale Gloria Requiem 

Granados, Enrique 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Granados, Enrique Goyescas (ópera completa)  0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 -Intermezzo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -La maja y el ruiseñor 1 2 3 -El Amor y la Muerte 1 2 3 -Laments or The Maiden and the Nightingale 1 2 3 4 5 no.1 1 2  no.2 1 no.4 1 no.7 Goyesca No. 3 'El Fandango de Candil'   Piano Works -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 El Fandango de Candil   Suite Elisenda, pour piano et orchestre de chambre -1 -2   "Preludio y seis piezas sobre cantos populares".    12 Spanish Dances, Op.37 1 Doce danzas españolas -f Danzas Españolas Spanish dance 1 2 no.2  "Oriental" 1 2 3 no 2 & 3  no.3 1 2  no.4 1 2 no.5 1 2 3  no.6 1 2 3  no.7 1 2 3  no.8 1 2 3  no.9 1 2  no.10 1 2  no.11 1 2  no.12 1 2   Escenas románticas  "Six Spanish Dances" and "Valses Poeticos" Rapsodia aragonesa Madrigal   Allegro de Concierto op.46   Valses Poéticos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Valses Poeticos -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 el mirar de la maja El Pelele Danza Oriental Interpretada al Piano 1 Allegro de concierto por Alicia de Larrocha La Maja de Goya 1 2 Capricho Espanol   "Trío" Op. 50  -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4   Zarabanda Sonata para violín y piano Epílogo-Serenata del espectro, guitar trio -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6   El Mirar de la Maja 0 1 2   Coral La Maja Dolorosa no. 3 Amor y odio  Gracia mía. Canciones Amatorias EL MAJO DISCRETO

Grieg,Edvard 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Piano Concerto in A minor : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Symphony (No. 1) in C minor, EG 119  : 1 2 3 4 5 6  Holberg Suite*1 2 3 4 5   Peer Gynt* : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Peer Gynt, op. 23 -1〜 Morning Mood 1 2 3 4 5 In the Hall of the Mountain King 1 Arabian Dance 1 2 Solveig's Song 1 Haugtussa -1〜 -Prelude 1 -Sarabande -Gavotte -Air -Rigaudon Cello Sonata * -1 -2 -3 -4

Grofe, Ferde 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Grand Canyon : Grand Canyon Suite -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  Sunrise 1 On the trail 1 2 Cloudburst 1 2 SunSet 1   Mississipi Suite :  -f -f -f -f -f  Father of Waters Old Creole Days Mississippi Suite II 1 Death Valley Suite Niagara Falls Suite -1 -2 Hudson River Suite -1 -2 Hollywood Suite

◆Guillem,Sylvie 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Cenicienta Opera Nacional de Paris -f

◆Hamerik,Asger 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Symphony no.1 -f  no.2 -f  no.3 -f  no.4 -f  no.5 -f  no.6 -f  no.7 -f   Requiem, op.34 -f 

Handel,George Frideric 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Handel,George Frideric(Opera)   Giulio Cesare* : Langue offeso mai riposa Va tacito e nascosto 1 Sandrine Piau, Se Pieta 1 Son nata a lagrimar 1 V'adoro pupille 1 2 3 4 Venere Bella Alma del gran Pompeo Dall'ondoso Tutto può donna vezzosa Se pietà di me non senti 1 Piangerò la sorte mia 1 Da tempeste il legno infranto 1 2 Non disperar, chi sa?   Rinaldo* : Lascia ch'io pianga 0 1 2 3 4 5 Venti turbini 1 2 Cara sposa 1 2   Alcina* : -1〜 Ombre pallide Sta nell'ircana Tra speme e timore Mi restano le lagrime 1 tornami a vagheggiar 1 Dite spera e son contento Semplicetto La bocca vaga   Ariodante* : -1〜 Cieca notte, infidi sguardi D. Haller Volate, amori Neghittosi or voi che fate? Spero per voi, si, si Scherza Infida 1 2 Il mio crudel martoro 1 Tu, preparati a morire Dopo notte atra e funesta 1 2 Con l'ali di costanza 1 infidi sguardi   Agrippina* : OPERA2DAY -f National Slovak Theatre* Con Saggio Tuo Consiglio Ogni vento Vaghe perle, eletti fiori Io di Roma il Giove sono   Semele* : Endless pleasure, endless love 1 My Racking Thoughts The morning lark Where'er you walk Myself I Shall Adore 1 Turn, hopeless lover   Teseo* : Sibillando ululando M'adora l'idol mio   Orlando : -1〜 Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre O care parolette Fammi cambattere   Rodelinda* : Ritorna Oh Caro   Ezio : Finchè un zeffiro soave La mia costanza   Xerxes(Serse)*  : ACADEMY SYMPOSIUM -f -1〜 Period Instrument Orchestra* Ombra Mai Fu 1 2 Rousset Trailer Acis & Galatea-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 Water Music -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -Overture -Air -Allegro -Andante -Adagio -Suite No 3 in G Suite no.1-1 no.2 no.3 Overeture : Xerxes Alcina Fireworks -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 Messiah -1〜 Messiah -Overture -..a child is born -Pastoral.. -1、Goija Messiah -1〜 -Overture -..a child is born -Pastoral.. -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -Hallelujah Antonio Gaudí But who may.. coming And the glory of the Lord And he shall purify 

Hanson,Howard 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.2 -1 -2 -3 no.3 -1 -2 -3 no.4 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.5 -1 -2 no.6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 no.7 -1 -2 -3 Merry Mount Suite -1 -2 -1 -2 Lament for Beowulf Elegy for Serge Koussevitsky Mosaics Concerto for Organ,Harp and Strings Serenade Pan & the Priest -1 -2

Haydn, Franz Joseph 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Orfeo* L'infedeltà delusa* Orlando the Paladin* Die Schöpfung Symphony no.101 -1 -2 -3 -4 Symphony no.104 -1 -2 -3 -4 Violin Concerto in C major -1 -2 -3

Henryk Mikolaj Górecki  1 2/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Henryk Mikołaj Górecki 


Zampa Overture

◆Hill,Alfred 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Symphony no.1 -f  no.2 -1〜  no.8 -1〜  no.9 -f   Piano Concerto -1〜 Violin Concerto -1〜 Viola Concerto in A minor -1〜 Trumpet Concerto in B flat -1〜 

Hindemith, Paul 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

♫ Play List -Hindemith, Paul   Symphonia Serena Symphonic Dances Lustige Sinfonietta op.4 -1 -2 -3 Mathis der Maler Symphony -1 -2 -3 -4 Symphonic Metamorphosis -1 -2 Symphonie "Die Harmonie der Welt" -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -2  -3 Symphony -1 -2 -3 -4 Pittsburgh Symphony -1 -2 -3 Concerto per orchestra op.38 Morgenmusik poème de Stéphane Mallarmé Drei Gesänge op.9 -1 -2 Die Vier Temperamente -1 -2 -3 Nobilissima visione Trauermusik Ottetto Das Nusch-Nuschi op.20 Langsames stück und Rondo Die Schopfung Konzertmusik op.48 Konzertmusik op.49 Konzertmusik op.50 Ludus Tonalis -1 -2 -3 -4 Sancta Susanna op.21 Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen op.12 Der Schwanendreher -1 -2 -3   Concertino for Trautonium and Strings Concerto per pianoforte -1 -2 -3 Concerto per violino -1 -2 -3 Concerto per violoncello e orchestr -1 -2 -3 Concerto per tromba, fagotto e archi -1 -2   Heckelphone Trio op. 47 Sonata for Viola op.11 no.4 1 2 Sonata for Viola Solo op.25 no.1 1 no.3 no.4 Sonata for Solo Viola, op. 31, no. 4 A frog he went a-courting Eight Pieces for Flute Alone Piano Sonata no.1 no.2 no.3 Suite "1922" op. 26 -1 -2 Sonata per clarinetto e pianofort Sonata per fagotto e pianoforte Harp Sonata Sonata for four Horns 

Holst, Gustav 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

The Planets  : -f -f -f -f -f -Mars 1 2 3 -Venus 1 2 -Mercury 2 3 -Jupiter 4 7 -Saturn 2 3 -Uranus 1 2 3 -Neptune 1 2 3 The Lure Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda First Choral Symphony, op. 41 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Symphony in F major op. 8 -f -1 -2 -3 -4 Suite no. 1 First Suite in Eb 1 Second Suite in F 1 The Morning of the Year -1 -2 The Lure A Somerset Rhapsody Egdon Heath Beni Mora -1 -2 Invocation A Somerset Rhapsody Ballet Music from The Perfect Fool op.39 The Golden Goose -1 -2 Brook Green Suite -1 -2 -3 Wind Quintet op.14 -1 -2 A Moorside Suite 'Nocturne' Scherzo Terzetto I Love my Love In The Bleak Midwinter First Choral King Estmere -1 -2 Capriccio The Lure Egdon Heath A Moorside Suite A Fugal Overture Walt Whitman Overture Invocation This have I done for my true love The Wandering Scholar Four Part-Songs The Morning of the Year -1 -2 Ballet Music from The Perfect Fool Lyric Movement A Fugal Concerto Ode to Death Beni Mora -1 -2 A Somerset Rhapsody 1 Double Concerto -1 -2 The Evening Watch A Dirge for two Veterans The Golden Goose -1 -2 Hymn to Dionysus The Cloud Messenger -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Hammersmith Psalm 86 Savitri Choral Fantasia -1 -2 -1 -2 My Sweetheart's Like Venus

Honegger, Arthur 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Honegger, Arthur Pacific 231* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Judith Cantique de Pâques Pastoral d'eté 1 2 Rugby Sinfonia no.1 -1 -2 -3 Symphony no.2 -2 -3 Symphony no.3 " Liturgique" -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -2 -3 Symphony no.4 "Deliciae Basiliensis" -1 -2 -3 -4 Symphony no.5 Serena Perego Prélude pour Aglavaine et Sélysette Suite archaïque Sinfonia N.5 "Di Tre Re -1 -2 -3 Pastorale d'été Rugby Christoph Colomb Les Mille et une Nuits Une cantate de noël -1 -2 Concertino for Piano and Orchestra 1 Concerto per violoncello e orchestra La Danse des Morts -1 -2 Une Cantate de Noel -1 -2 -3 Cello Concerto -1 -2 String Quartet n.2 -1 -2 -3 Souvenir de Chopin Danse de la Cherve for solo flute 1

Hovhaness, Alan 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Alan Hovhaness   Symphony no.1  no.2  no.22 no.39  no.50 no.53 -1 -2 -3  no.63  no.66 Saint Vartan Symphony Celestial Fantasy Alleluia and Fugue op. 40b Meditation on Orpheus op. 155 The Rubaiyat Upon Enchanted Ground Magnificat -1 -2 -3 -4 Easter Cantata -1 -2 Prayer of St. Gregory Anahid -1 -2 Shalimar, Suite op.177 -1 -2 Harp Concerto -1 -2 -3 -4 Three Fantasies for Brass Trio Elbiris Haroutiun Hercules, Stankov Ensemble 

◆Humperdinck/ ☆□You Tube Search :

HÄNSEL & GRETEL*   HÄNSEL & GRETEL -Ouvertüre Maurische Rhapsodie

Ibert, Jacques 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphonie marine Concerto pour Flute Pièce for solo flute 1 2 Escales -1 -2 Rome, Palerme Valencia Tunis, Nefta Quatre Chansons de Don Quichotte Macbeth Suite Suite Elisabéthaine Golgotha Suite Ballade de la Geôle de Reading Diane de Poitiers Chant de Folie Ouverture de fête Divertissement Trois Pièces de Ballet La Licorne ou Le Triomphe de la Chasteté Bacchanale Les Amours de Jupiter Harp Fantaisie from "Six Pieces 

Ibert, Jacques 1/ Escales; Flute Concerto; Paris; Bacchanale: Music: Jacques Ibert,Charles Dutoit,Timothy Hutchins,Montréal Symphony Orchestra / POCL-1434

夕立に追いかけられ、土砂降りの雨に濡れ、○○と息を切って、二人でなにやら懸命に大声を出し、疲れ切って走る。 黄金の稲穂が雨に打たれ、泣いている 。 自分も、○○も泣き疲れ、声が掠れて出ない。 命が狙われたと、想ったはあの時だけだった。 必死に走るが、周りの全世界に人影が失せていた。 頭上は 、真っ黒の重い雲が降りている。 命からがら、辿り着き涙を拭い安堵する。 雲はあっけなく後退し、黄金の平原は、もっと黄金に輝き、虹が見えた。 

Ippolitov-Ivanov 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony Nº1 in E minor,Op.46(1908) 1 Caucasian Sketches Suite No. 1 No. 2 'Iveria' Caucasian Sketches op.10 : In a Village 1 In a Mountain Pass Arabian Horses Il favoloso oriente Caucasus Mountains Kolyma's Lament Turkish march Opus 55 Varduhi Khachatryan : Aram Khachaturian Oda Radosti Russian Choir Music Suite: Bocetos Caucásicos 

Ives,Charles 1/ ☆□You Tube Search

♫ Play List -Ives,Charles  Symphony* :  Symphony no.1 -1〜 -1〜 -f -f -f -f no.2 -1-f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  no.3  -1〜  -f -f -f  no.4 -1〜 -f -f -f no.6 -f    "Robert Browning" Overture The Fourth of July  Variations on "America" 1  The Alcotts Holidays Symphony Holidays — 1. Washington's Birthday New England Holidays -1 -2 -3 1 2 3 A Symphony: New England Holidays" IV: Thanksgiving  A Concord Symphony -1 -2 Universe Symphony -f Putnam's Camp, Redding, Con Decoration Day 1 The Way Things Work!  The Celestial Country -1 -2〜 The General Slocum Robert Browning Overture Hymn Emerson Concerto 1 2 3 three pieces Circus Band The Alcotts  The Housatonic at Stockbridge The General Slocum Old Home Days Suite    Psalm 25 Psalm 90 Set no.6, per orchestra da camera Art Songs Places In New England -1 -2 -3 The Unanswered Question 1 2 3 4 Thanksgiving and Forefathers' Day -1 -2 The Central Park in the Dark 1 2 3 4    Down East Putnam's Camp Hymn - Largo Cantabile Tone Roads no.1 'America' St. Sernin, Toulouse Chopin Marche Funebre & Presto Trio per pianoforte, violino e violoncello 3 Quarter-Tone Pieces -1 -2 -3     They are There! Four Songs Hymn  String Quartet No. 2 Trio for Violin, Violoncello and Piano Trio per pianoforte, violino e violoncello Piano Trio, Op 86 Largo Charles Ives plays C.Ives Three page Sonata Three Quarter-Tone pieces The Camp Meeting Piano Sonata no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5  no.2 Concord Sonata 1 2 Waltz-Rondo for Piano Set of Five Take-offs March in G and D: Here's to Good Old Yale    Sonata per violino e pianoforte no.1 no.2 1 no.3 1 no.4 Violin Sonata* no.1 1 2 no.2 1 2 3  no.3 1 no.4 1 2 The Celestial Railroad    The songs Ich Grolle Nicht Songs My Mother Taught Me Charlie Rutlage Selected Songs  The New River Sunrise Three Songs Memories Old Home Day Senior Recital V. The Circus Band, Opus 56 Serenity Ann Street Thoreau Slow March The Housatonic at Stockbridge The World’s Highway The Circus Band In the Mornin Down East   Biography

Ives,Charles/ Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4/Hymns: Music: Charles Ives,Simeon Butler Marsh,Lowell Mason,John R. Sweney,Joseph Philbrick

“ヒューヒュー”と、渇きに満たされた不思議な安心感。 寂寥感の大気に覆われた、奇妙な優しい懐かしい、さまざまな想いの遠い日にワープする。 

Janácek, Leos 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Sinfonietta -f -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Taras Bulba -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Glagolitic Mass -f -1-1 -2 In The Mists -1 -2 -1 -2 String Quartet no.1 -1 -2 no.2 -1 -2 -3 -4 Piano Sonata 1-1 -2 1 Pohadka -1 -2 -3 "Jenufa" at the Bavarian State Opera, Munich On the Overgrown -1〜 The Cunning Little Vixen -1 -2 Brothers Quay -1 -2 Vec Makropulos -1〜 

Kabalevsky, Dmitri 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Khachaturian, Aram 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Kodály, Zoltán 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Cello Solo Sonata -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 Psalmus Hungaricus, op. 13 -1 -2 -3 Hary Janos -1 -2 -3 -4, -3 -5 Intermezzo Romance Lyrique Öregek Adagio for violin and piano 1 Nights in the Mountains -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Dances of Galánta -1 -2 Four Italian Madrigals 

Kreisler, Fritz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

◆Krommer,Franz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Symphony no.4 -f Concierto para Flauta op. 30 -f Concerto for two clarinets in E-flat major, op.35 -f Concerto for two clarinets in E-flat major, op.91 -f Concierto flauta y Oboe op.65 -f 

Lalo, Edouard 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphonie Espagnole -1 -2 -3 -4

◆Lachner,Franz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 -f no.5 -f no.8 -f -f Suite no. 7 In D Minor -f String Quintet in C-minor, op.121 -f String Quartet no. 1 -f Trio in D major op. 58 for violin, viola and piano -f

Lehár,Franz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Merry Widow*   Wo die Lerche singt Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß Vilja Lied 1 2 3 4 Count of Luxembourg Waltzes Dein ist mein ganzes Herz Die lustige Witwe 1 Lippen schweigen〜 1 Das Land des Lächelns : Dein ist mein Ganzes Herz Tatjana : Scheidend von den goldbeglänzten Höhen La vedova Allegra : Vilja Lied Zigeunerliebe : Hör' ich Zymbalklänge 1 Der Zarewitsch : Einer wird kommen.. Bin ein gluckseliges Kosende Wellen.. The Merry Widow* : 1 2 3 4 Overture Ja, wir sind es die Grisetten Lippen schweigen〜 Dein ist mein ganzes Herz Die lustige Witwe 1 Wilde Rosen Ballsirenen Altwiener Liebeswalzer Korallenlippen Honignymphen Tanzsuite Grützner Giuditta Gold und Silber Eva Waltzes Adria Walze Paganini-f

Leoncavallo,Ruggero 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Pagliacci* Mattinata* 

Ligeti,Gyorgy 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Ligeti,Gyorgy Mysteries of the Macabre -f Violin Concerto -f Aventures and Nouvelles Aventures  -f Lontano -f -f -f -f -f Requiem -f 1 2 4 -Kyrie -III Dies irae Concert Romanesc -f -f -f -1 -2 Streichquartett n° 2 -f Hungarian Rock  Lux Aeterna 1 2 3 Musica Ricercata II Atmospheres 1 2 Hamburg Concerto Aventures Apparitions -1 -2 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra Six Bagatelles, CARION Continuum for harpsichord CELLO CONCERTO for Sigfried 1 Sonata for Solo Cello 1 2 3 Poème Symphonique For 100 Metronomes 1 Trio for Horn, Violin and Piano -1 -2 Chamber concerto 1 2 3 ATMOSPHERES Hungarian Rock 1 String Quartet No. 1 Volumina Ramifications Clocks and Clouds -1 -2 Artikulation  Juan Pérez Floristán Continuum Volumina Continuum 6 Bagatelles for Wind Quintet  Nouvelles Aventures /w score Melodien -1 -2 Musica ricercata No. 7 etude for piano 15 -White on white Ejszaka (Night) and Reggel (Morning)  Sándor Ligeti 1 Trio for violin, french horn and piano, "Homage to Brahms"  Piano Concerto -1 -2  1 -1 -2 -3 -f  Passacaglia Ungherese  Jupiter and Beyond  Síppal, dobbal, nádihegedűvel  Nonsense Madrigals Ballad and Dance  Monument - Selbstportrait - Bewegung  Passacaglia Ungherese  Étude Nr. 1 "Désordre"  Ligeti Etude 13: "The Devil's Staircase"  Continuum für Cembalo MR2 Szimfonik LIVe Aventures

Liszt, Franz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Liszt, Franz Liszt Recital-f Symphonic Poem -f Symphonic Poem "Tasso" -1〜 Faust Symphony -1〜 Dante 1 Prometheus 1 Festklänge -1〜 Hamlet Orpheus 1 Mazeppa 1 Dante Symphony -1〜 Les préludes, symphonic poem No.3, S.97 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  -f  -f -f -f   Piano Concerto no.1〜2 -f  no.1 -f -f -f  no.2 -f -f -f -f  no.3 Années de pèlerinage. Première année: Suisse, S. 160 -f Liebesträume Mephisto Waltz 1 Totentanz Gondoliera Funerailles Un Sospiro Consolations, penseés poétiques no.3, 4, 5 & 6 Vallée d'Obermann -f Liszt. Six Grandes Études de Paganini S.141 -f  12 Etudes d'exécution transcendante, S.139 -f -f  no.1〜6  no.1  no.2  no.3  no.4  no.5  no.7  no.8  no.12   Reminiscences des Huguenots -f Hungarian Rhapsodies -f no.1〜9 Hungarian Rhapsody 2* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 no.13 La Leggeriezza Liebestraum no.3 2 3 Sonata in B minor, S. 178-f -f -f -f -f -f Midnight Procession -1〜 Waldesrauschen 1   Hungarian Rhapsody no.12  no.13 Hungarian Fantasy -1〜 Beethoven Symphony no.9 Transcription -1-1〜 on themes from Berlioz's 'Lélio' -1〜 Fantasy on Themes from the Ruins of Athens Two episodes from Lenau's Faust -1 -2 Malédiction Mephisto Waltz -1 -2 The Best of Liszt -f Evgeny Kissin plays -f

◆Løvenskiold,Herman Severin 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

La Silfide - Ballet de l'Opera National de Paris 2004 -f

Lutoslawski,Witold 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2  no.4 -1 -2   Concerto for Orchestra -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 Chain II -1 -2 Cello Concerto -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4   Funeral Music -1 -2 Les Espaces du Sommeil -1 -2 Partita for Violin and Orchestra String Quartet -1 -2 -3 Paroles Tissées -1 -2

Mahler, Gustav1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Das Lied von der Erde -f -f -f -f -f Symphony no.1 -f -f -f -1〜 Symphony no.2 -f -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 -"Urlicht" Symphony no.3 -f -f -f -f Symphony no.4 -f -f -f -f -f -Das Himmlische Leben Symphony no.5 -f -f -f -f -f -f Symphony no.6 -f -f -f Symphony no.7 -f -f -f -f -f Symphony no.8 -f -f -f -f -Finale Symphony no.9 -f -f -f -f -f Symphony no.10 -f -f -f -f -1〜 Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 Nun will die..aufgeh'n 1 2 Nun seh' ich.. Flammen 1 2 Wenn dein Mütterlein 1 2 3 Oft denk .. ausgegangen 1 2 In diesem Wetter 1 2 3 4 Der Abschied 1 2 3 4 Das Lied von der Erde 1 2 3 Farewell of the Friend -1 -2

Martinu,Bohuslav 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Martinu,Bohuslav Symphony no.1 -f no.2 -f no.3 -1 -2 -3 no.4 -f no.5 -f -f no.6 -f Sinfonia Concertante -1 -2 -3 -4 Sinfonietta "La Jolla" -1 -2 -3   Memorial to Lidice Three Fragments from "Julietta" -1 -2 Partita for string orchestra Parables -1 -2 Fantasia La Bagarre Toccata e Due Canzoni -1 -2 -3 Rapsodia Concierto para viola Inventions for piano and orchestra -1 -2 -3 Concerto for 2 violins -1 -2 Concerto da Camera -1 -2 variatinos sur un théme slave variationen   Piano Concerto no.1 -1 -2 -3 no.2 -1 -2 -3 no.3 -1 -2 -3 no.4 -1 -2 -3 -1 no.5 -1 -2 -3   Double concerto -f The Frescoes of Piero della Francesco -1 -2 -3 The Opening of the Springs -1 -2 Sonata for Viola and Piano

Mascagni, Pietro 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Cavalleria rusticana a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ave Maria 1 L'amico Fritz Le Maschere Mamma quel vino è generoso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

Massenet, Jules 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Manon* Le Cid* Don Quichotte* Werther* Cendrillon*  Les Érinnyes Meditation from Thais 1 2 3 4 5 ELEGIE 0 1 SERENADE D'AUTOMNE CREPUSCULE VOUS AIMEREZ DEMAIN Va laissse couler mes larmes Nuit d'Espagne Ah! Fuyez, douce image Pourquoi me reveiller Werther,Werther ! Werther -Pourquoi me réveiller -version pour baryton -Charlotte's Letter Scene Va! Laisse couler mes larmes Pourquoi me reveiller 1 Pourquoi me réveiller Je suis seul!... Ah Ah! Fuyez, douce image Pourquoi me reveiller 1 2

Mendelssohn, Felix 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 -f -f  no.2 "Lobgesang" -f -f -f -f  no.3 -f -f -f -f -f  no.4 -f -f -f -f -f  no.5 -f -f -f  no.6 1  no.7 1 2  no.8  no.9 1  no.10 1   Violin Concerto -f -f -f -f -f   Piano Concerto no.1 1 2 3 no.2 1 2 no.3 -1〜 Heilig Deutsche Liturgie Veni Domine and Laudate pueri Dominica II post pascha Warum toben die Heiden -1 -2 Richte mich Gott op.78-2 Sechs Sprüche 1 Hor mein Bitten no.1 Psalm 42 : -Coro -Meine Seele dürstet nach Gott -Wie der Hirsch schreit Weihnachtskantate Elias * : -1〜 Overture Höre Israel,. Sei stille dem Herrn Selected highlights Elijah * : Hear Ye, Israel Help, Lord 〜 And then shall your light break forth 1 As God the Lord of Sabaoth Chorus Overture : Hebrides 1 2 Night's Dream-1 -2 1 Meerestille und glückliche Fahrt Trumpet Athalie Le nozze di Camacho Overture Ruy Blas op.95 Ouverture : Le nozze di Camacho Paulus Ruy Blas Meerestille und glückliche Fahrt La Bella Melusina Violin Sonate -1 -2 Klaviertrio -1 -2 -3 

◆Gian Carlo Menotti 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :


◆Mercadante, Saverio 1/ ☆□You Tube Search

Messiaen,Olivier 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Turangalîla Symphonie -1 -2 -4 -5 - L'Ascension -1〜

Meyerbeer,Giacomo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Meyerbeer Les Huguenots* Robert le Diable* Il Crociato in Egitto* Le Prophète* L'étoile du nord*   Dinorah, Ombre légère 1 2 O paradis. L'Africaine Pour Berthe moi je soupire Alimelek oder Wirth und Gast -Ouverture Struensee -Ouverture Le Hugenots-f 1 Psalm 91 Qui in manu Dei requiescit

Milhaud, Darius 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Milhaud, Darius Symphony no.1 -1〜 -1〜  no.2 -1〜 -1〜  no.3  no.4  no.5 -1〜  no.6 -1〜  no.8 -1〜   no.12 -1〜   Suite Provençale op.152a Le boeuf sur le toit 1 2   Le Carnaval d'Aix 1 La Creation du Monde 1 Suite Francaise op.248 La Cheminée du Roi René, Op.205 Le globetrotter op. 358 Suite pour Ondes musicales Martenot et piano    Piano Concerto  no.1 no.2 Concertino d'Hiver Concerto for percussion and orchestra Concerto per viola e orchestra no.1, Op.108 Concerto per arpa e orchestra op.323 Scaramouche Concertino d'Automne op.309 Cello Concerto #1 Mark   La Creation du Monde: Overture -1〜 La creation du monde Le Boeuf sur le Toit   Sonata per viola e pianoforte n.1, op. 240 Sonata per pianoforte n.1 op.33 Saudades do Brasil L'Automne op.115 Sonata per oboe, flauto, clarinetto e pianoforte, Op.47 Suite per violino, clarinetto e pianoforte, Op.257b Les charmes de la vie La muse ménagère, Op.245 -1〜 Printemps   Quartetto per archi n.2 op.12 Quartetto per archi n.3 op.32 String Quartet Nr.14   Trois Opéras-Minute  

Milhaud, Darius 1/ SUITE PROVENCALE/ POCG-1524 

 まさ、に8月の重苦しい暑い渇いた日。 最初に、“そよぎ”を感じた原点なん!。 

◆Minkus,Léon Fedorovich 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Ballet Don Quixote -f -f La bayadere -Opera Nacional de Paris -f 

Monteverdi, Claudio 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Orfeo* Vespro della beata vergine* Poppea* Madrigali* Ulisse* L'orfeo* Lasciatemi morire*   Il quarto libro dei madrigali, -f L'Incoronazione di Poppea Lasciatemi morire Pur ti miro, pur ti godo L'Orfeo -Toccata -Sinfonie -Ritornelli -Vanne Orfeo felice a pieno -Chorus II Le Poème Harmonique 1 

Mozart 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Mozart(Opera) Symphony* no.25 -f -f  no.28 -f -f  no.29 -f -f  no.31 -f  no.34 -f -f  no.35 -f -f  no.36 -f -f  no.38 -f -f -f  no.39 -f -f -f  no.40 -f -f -f -f  no.41 -f -f   Overeture : Don Giovanni 1 Figaro 2 3 Die EnfuhrungThe Magic Flute 1 3 Tito    Piano Concerto* no.1 -f  no.5 -f  no.7 -f  no.8 -f  no.9 -f  no.11 -f  no.12 -f -f  no.13 -f  no.14 -f  no.15 -f -f  no.16 -f  no.17 -f  no.18 -f  no.20 -f -f -f -f -f  no.21 -f -f  no.22 -f -f  no.23 -f -1〜  no.24 -f -f -1-1〜  no.25 -f -f  no.26 -f -f -f  no.27 -f -f -f -f Piano Sonata* -f -f   Violin Sonata* -f Violin Concerto* no.1 -f -f -f no.2 -f no.3 -f -f -1〜 no.4 -f -f -f -1〜 no.5 -f -f -f -f no.6 -f no.7 -f    Flute Harp Concerto -1-f -f Oboe Concerto -f -f   Horn Concerto* -f  no.1 -f  no.2 -f  no.3 -f -f  no.4 -f -f    String Quintet* no.1 1 no.2 1  no.3   no.4 1  no.15  no.17  no.18  no.19    String Quartet * no.14  no.15  no.16  no.17  no.18  no.19   Clarinet Quintet in A, K. 581 String Trio   Serenade* : no.6 Notturna* -f -f -f -f -f  no.7 Haffner*  -f -f -f  no.8 -f no.9 Posthorn* -f -f -f -f  no.10 Gran Partita K.361* -f -f -f   no.11 in E-flat, K. 375 The President's Own -f -f no.12*  -f -f -f -f  no.13 Eine kleine Nachtmusik -f -f -f -f   Concert Aria* : Exultate, jubilate 1 Ruhe Sanft 1 2 3 4 5 Laudate Dominum 1 2 3 4 5 Bella mia fiamma, addio Chi Sa, Chi Sa, Qual Sia Vado, ma dove? O Dei! Nehmt meinen Dank Acandro, lo confesso...Non sò, d'onde viene Vorrei Spiegarvi, o Dio! 1   Opera Aria* Figaro*  : -f Magic Flute*  :  -f -f -f -f  -f -Overture 1 2 3  - Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja-*Papageno's Aria1 2 4 5 - "Pa-pa-pa Papageno" 1 2 3 4 -Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm! 1   Finale I.Act-Schnelle Füsse, rascher Muth 1 2 -I.Act: Herr, ich bin zwar Verbrecherin 1 2  -Ach, ich fühl's 1 2 3 4 5 6 -O Isis und Osiris'  1 2 3 4 -Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön 1 2 3 -"O zittre nicht" 1 2 3 4 -queen of the night aria 1 2 3 4   Don Giovanni* Don Giovanni : -1〜 Highlights Cosi fan tutte* : La clemenza di Tito* : Overture -1〜 Tu fosti tradito Non Piu Di Fiori 1 2 Deh, se piacer mi vuoi 1 Sesto Parto, ma tu ben mio Il Re Pastore *: L'amerò, sarò costante 1 Barbaro! Oh Dio! Idomeneo* Abduction from the Seraglio*   Great Mass in C Minor Requiem* -f -f -f La Betulia liberata* -f Missa solemnis*

◆Mukhatov,Veli 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.2 -1 -2 -3

Mussorgsky 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Boris Godunov* Boris Godunov : 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prologe Incoronation Boris' Monologue Clock 1 Coronation 1 2 Holy Fool The hallucination Boris' Death 1 2 3 4 5 6 last duet and dath-1 -2 Forest, near Kromy-1 -2 The fountain-1 -2 Boris Christoff  Pictures at an Exhibition -f -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -1 -2 -3 Gnomus 1 Old Castle Promenade Catacombae Kiev 1 2 Night on Bald Mountain 1 2 -1 -2 -1 -2  

Myaskovsky,Nikolai 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 


◆Nicolai,Otto  1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Nielsen, Carl 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

String Quartet op. 13 Tågen Letter   Symphonic Rhapsody Symphony no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.3 "Espansiva" -f -1 -2 -3 -4  no.4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5  no.5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -excerpt  no.6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Saga-Dream Pan and Syrinx Aladdin Suite -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 A Fantasy Journey Helios Ouverture Overture to the opera Maskarade Cockerel's Dance Kleine Suite Three Piano Pieces Violin Concerto -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 Clarinet Concerto -1 -2 -3 -4 Flute Concerto -1 -2 -3 Woodwind Quintet -1 -2 -3 Quintet -1 -2 -3 -4 String Quartet op. 13 -1 -2 -3 no.2 -1 -2 -3 no.3 -1 -2 -3 no.4 -1 -2 -3 Saul & David -1〜 

Nono,Luigi 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Nono,Luigi

Offenbach, Jacques 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Orpheus in der Unterwelt* Les Contes d'Hoffmann*  Les Contes d'Hoffmann -1〜 Ballade à la lune 1 Je suis veuve d'un Colonel Dites-lui qu'on l'a remarqué Ah, que j'aime les militaires Je suis alsacienne Amours divins! ardentes flammes! La grande-duchesse de Gérolstein

Orff, Carl1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Carmina Burana -f

Pachelbel, Johann 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

◆Pacini, Giovanni 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :


◆Paisiello,Giovanni  1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Nina ossia La pazza per amore* 

Paganini,Nicco 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Violin Concerto no.1 -1 -2 -3 -2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.2 1 2 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.3 -3  no.4 1 -1 -2 -3 -2 -3  no.5 -2 -3  no.6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5   Caprice no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 no.2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 no.3 -1 no.4 -1 no.5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 no.6 -1 no.7 -1 no.8 -1 no.9 -1 -2 no.10 -1 no.11 -1 -2 no.13 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.14 -1 -2 no.16 -1 -2 -3 no.17 -1 -2 no.20 -1 no.24 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 no.13-24-a -b -c

◆Parry,Hubert 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 -f no.2 -f no.3 -f no.4 -f no.5 -f Shulbrede Tunes

Part,Arvo 2 /☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Arvo Pärt  Tabula Rasa 0 1 2 3 4 5 -Cantus in memory 1 2 3 -Carretera -Bystanding Declination -Rugby 1 II. Silentium: Senza moto Symphony no.3 -1 -2 -3 no.4 -f Silentium Da Pacem Domine 1 Pari Intervallo Für Alina Stabat Mater -f -1 -2 -3 Creator Spiritus-f Festina lente 1 Fratres For Cello And Piano -1 -2 -1 -2 1 2 24 Preludes for a Fugue-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 Spiegel im Spiegel 1 2 An den Wassern zu Babel Sarah Was Ninety Years Old -1 -2 -3 Alina! Fui Allne Mirror in the Mirror spiegel im spiegel Solo Spiegel im Spiegel Silouans Song Salve Regina Te Deum My Heart is in the Highlands Magnificat Sueño de Angel Ensayo-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Tribute to Gerry lost in desert Impresije elegie il canto della torre bells nobleness of Marin lyric poem Smoke-1 -2 -3 the mathematician contemporary dance Night Ride Resting Rabbit Memories Radio Toast Victoria Larrambebere Björk interviews 

Part,Arvo 2 / Arbos

恨み辛み、深夜の嘆息。 夜明けの戦慄や、その日その日の万障の憂愁。 微かに悲痛の風のそよぐ、昨夜の叫喚の侵出。 暗い港をめざして、侵攻する静謐な上げ潮 。 なにもかも、いっさいが青い夕焼けのなかに、まっさかさまに、傾れ落ちてしまう。 

Part,Arvo 2 /Tabula Rasa   

 明るい松林の中、天が開けたあたりは、薄暗く淡青色の霧が流れる。 どんどん流される。 ラベンダーの香が、地から湧き上がり。 縞をつくり、静謐に吹き飛ばされ る。 現世にそびえる荒地への憧れ。 水と空気、樹木が呼吸を始める。 静かな愉悦が、地と樹木と空を浸食する。  『ビョー……!、ビョー……!』とした広大、晴朗な空虚が 、吹き抜けていく。 

Penderecki, Krzysztof 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Penderecki, Krzysztof  Polymorphia * 1 2 3 Symphony no.1 -f  no.2 -f -f -1 -2 -3 no.3 -1 -2 -3  no.4 -f no.7 -f -f  no.8 -1 -2   Utrenja COMPLETE Concerto Grosso Fonogrammi Psalmus De Natura Sonoris no.1 no.2 Dimensions of Time and Silence Emanationen Kanon 1 Anaklasis Utrenja Ewangelia Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima 1 2 The Dream of Jacob Dies Irae -1 -2 Resurrection Piano Concerto -1 -2 -3 -4 Capriccio -1 -2 Partita for Harpsichord and Orchestra -1 -2   Piano Concerto -f -1 -2 -3 -4 Sonata per violoncello e orchestra   Violin Concerto no.1 -f -f -f no.2 "Metamorphosen" -f -f -f Concerto para Viola de Arco -1 -2 -1 -2   Cello Concerto no.1 -1 -2 no.2 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.3 -1 -2 -3 -4   Penderecki Sextet World Premiere -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 String Quartet no.1 no.2 Song of Cherubim Te Deum -f -1〜 Polish Requiem -1〜 Paradise lost -1〜 Die Teufel von Loudun -1〜 Interview | The Shining - Opening The Shining ending credits Midnight with the stars and you 1

Pergolesi, Gio Battista 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Stabat Mater -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Salve Regina -1 -2 1 2 3 4 Gemo in un pento Quel destrier 

Piazzolla, Astor 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

◆Pierné,Gabriel 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Gabriel Pierné/ Divertissement sur un thème pastora Cydalise et le Chèvre Paysages franciscains -1 -2 Cydalise et le Chèvre-pied -1 -2 -3 Ramuntcho, Ouverture Les Cathédrales Morceau de Concert pour harpe et orchestre Ramuntch Cydalise

Piston,Walter 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Piston,Walter  Symphony no.1 -1 -2 -3 Symphony no.2 -f Symphony no.3 -f -f Symphony no.4 -f -f Symphony no.5 -f Symphony no.6 -f -1 -2 -3 -4 Symphony no.7 -f Symphony no.8 -f Three New England Sketches   Concerto for Orchestra Piano Concerto Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra Violin Concerto no.1 no.2 Viola Concerto The Incredible Flutist 1 2   Prelude and Allegro Fantasy passacaglia    String Quartet No. 5 Concerto for String Quartet Piano Quintet -1 -2 -3 Duo for Viola and Violoncello    Tocata Pieces for Wind Trio Sonatina Flute Sonata 1 Sonatina for violin 1 2  Sonata -1 -2 -3 Toccata 

Ponchielli, Amilcare 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

La Gioconda Con Ángeles Gulín* 

Poulenc, Francis 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Poulenc, Francis Harn Gloria Domine Deus Gloria Agnus Dei II Gloria -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Sinfonietta -1 -2 -3 -4 Suite française d'après Claude Gervaise -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Concert champêtre-Andante Les Biches -1 -2 La voix humaine -1 -2 -3 Le Bal Masqué -1 -2 Novelette N.1 Mouvements Perpétuels Improvisation N°15   Two Piano Concerto -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Piano Concerto -1 -2 -1 Concerto pour orgue Sol mineur -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Élégie for Horn & Piano Sonata for Flute & Piano 1 2 Sonata for Oboe and Piano -1 -2 -3 Trio for Piano, Oboe & Bassoon Sonata per clarinetto e pianoforte 1 Sonata for two pianos -1 -2 -3 Villageoises for piano Les Chemins de l'amour La Dame de Monte-Carlo Eloge de la danse sur une sonate Sextet for Wind Quintet & Piano -1 -2 -3 -1 -2

Prokofiev, Sergei 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symfonia Klasyczna Symphony no.4 -1 -2 -3 -4 Symphony no.5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Symphony no.7 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 The Isle of the Dead -1 -2 Piano Concerto no.1 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.2 no.3 -f -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Piano Sonata no.7 no.8 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.9 Toccata & Gabriela Montero Violin Concerto no.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Violin Concerto no.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Love for Three Oranges -1〜

Puccini,Giacomo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Puccini,Giacomo  La Boheme* Tosca* Turandot* Madama Butterfly* Manon Lescaut* Gianni Schicchi*    Overture : Lucio Giunio Bruto Preludio Sinfonico Manon Lescaut: Intermezzo Turandot -1〜 La Boheme (Complete)

Purcell, Henry 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

When I am laid in earth (Dido's Lament) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rondo 1 O Let Me Weep, For Ever Weep Airs, fantasies and dances Abdelazer -1 -2 0 1 Fantasia upon a ground for 3 violins Fantazia for 4 viols Thy hand, Belinda.. Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary -1 -2 -3 -4 Fairest isle all isles excelling When I am laid in earth King Arthur Trumpet Tune 'The Cebell' Sound the Trumpet Echo Pastorale,Hornpipe from The Fairy Queen Largo and Allegro Dido & Aeneas Eneas and Dido.. Sound the trumpet In vain the am'rous flute Hark! How the songsters of the grove Hark! hark! each tree Jubilate Deo 

Rachmaninov,Sergei 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony* no.1 -f -f  no.2 -f -f -f -f -f  no.3 -f -f   Paganini Variations* -f -f -f -f -f Symphonic Dances -f -f -f -1〜   Piano Concerto* no.1 -f -f -f  no.2 -f -f -f -f -f  no.3 -f -f -f -f -f  no.4 -f -f -f  no.5 -f -f  Piano Sonata : no.1 -f -f -f -f -1〜 no.2 -f -f Prelude* : Op.23 -f -f -f op.32 -f 24 Preludes Richter studio 1971 -1969 Etudes* : Tableaux Op.33 -f Tableaux Op.39 -f -f -f -f Vocalise* : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 String Quartet no.1 1 no. 2 

Rameau,Jean Philippe 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Forêts paisibles Platée, La Folie ! Orchestral suite from the Ballet -1 Les Indes Galantes Premier Concert in C Minor Suite: Les Boréades Zaïs - Overture La Naissance d'Osiris -1 -2 -3 Suite D-major Pièces de Clavecin en Concerts no.1 in C minor Suite D-major from Pièces de Clavecin Pièces de clavecin en concert no.3 Suite de Clavecin Complete Cembalo Works Pygmalion-f Les Indes Galantes-f Les Boréades ou Abaris-f Vingtième anniversaire des Musiciens du Louvre-f Platée-f 1 Platee, Ballet De L'opera Paris-f 1 Hippolyte et Aricie -f La Princesse de Navarre-f Castor et Pollux-f Hantai & Sempé-f Suites from Acante et Cephise,Les Fetes d'Hebè-f La Orquesta de Luis XV-f Les Surprises de l'Amour-f FESTIVAL D'AIX EN PROVENCE - LES ARTS FLORISSANTS-f 

◆Ranjbaran,Behzad 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Seemorgh II: The Moonlight The Blood of Seyavash Persian Trilogy: Seemorgh Seven Passages 

Ravel,Maurice 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Ravel,Maurice  Introduction et Allegro 1 2 3 4 5 Sheherazade 1 -1 -2 Daphnis et Chloe 1 2 3 -1 -2 -Suite Nr. 2 1 2 Le Tombeau de Couperin 1 2 La Mer、Daphnis Et Chloé Orquestra Sinfonica de Santo André -1 -2 Jeux d'eau 1 3 4 Pavane 1 3 4 Pavane pour une Infante Defunte Une Barque sur l'Ocean 1 3 Jeux d'eau 1 2 3 4 -1 -2   Miroirs Noctuelles Toccata 1 Gaspard de la nuit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ma Mère l'Oye 4 1 2 3 Oiseaux Tristes Ondine 1 2 3 4 Rapsodie Espagnole*  0 1 2 -Prélude à la Nuit 1 2 Bolero 1 2 3 4 La Valse 1 2 3 Valses nobles et sentimentales Piano Concerto・Left Hand 1 2 3 4   Piano Concerto in G 1 2 3 4 6   Tzigane 1 2 3 4 5 6 Une barque sur l´océan Sonata Violin&Cello-1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Trio in A minor for Piano, Violin and Cello concerto- I Tempo concerto II Tempo Shéhérazade: L'Indifférent cinq mélodies populaires grecques String Quartet in F -f -1 -2 -3 -4 The complete songs -f Trois Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé


 五月の晴れた風の強い日。 楠の匂いや土の匂いを吸い、水草の浮かぶ菖蒲の根っこに手を差し込み“キュル、キュル、……”、とエビを掴む。 真っ新の体液に 、電気が走る。 

Reger, Max 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

♫ Play List -Reger, Max Four Tone Poems after Böcklin -1 -2 -3 -4 Eine Lustspiel-Ouvertüre Symphonischer Prolog zu einer Tragödie -1 -2 -3 -4 Ballet suite, op. 130 -1 -2 Beethoven-Variationen op. 86 -1 -2 -3 Mozart Variations op.132a -1 -2 -3 Violin Concerto -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 An die Hoffnung, op. 124 1 Toccata and Fugue op. 59 Fantasie und Fuge über B-A-C-H, op. 46 Symphonische Phantasie op. 57 Dies Irae Variationen über ein lustiges 1 Piano Concerto in F minor, op. 114 -1 -2 -3 -4 Cello Suite no. 1 -1 -2 -3 no.2 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.3 -1 -2 -3 -2 -3 Viola Suite no.1 -1 -2 -3 no.2 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.3 -1 -2 -3 -4

Reich, Steve 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Violin Phase dance -1 -2 Nagoya Guitars 1 Sexte -1 -2 Daniel Variations and Music for 18 Musicians -1 -2 -3 Proverb Piano Phase -1 -2 -1 -2 Eight Lines 1 A New Musical Language -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 The Desert Music -1 -2 -3 Different Trains -1 -2

Respighi, Ottorino 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Respighi, Ottorino  Roman Festivals' 1 2 Pines of Rome with standing ovation "Three Corals by J.S. Bach" Tre Corali di Johann Sebastian Bach (P. 167)   Sinfonia Drammatica (P. 102) Sopra un'aria antica Belkis, Queen of Sheba  Ancient Airs and Dances Ancient Airs and Dances Suite III. Complete 1 2 3 Trittico botticelliano / Three Botticelli Pictures Adagio con variazioni La Colomba 1 Nebbie 1 2 TRILOGIA ROMANA-f Pines of Rome* : Pini di Roma 1 2 3 Fontane di Roma* : Fountains of Rome 1 Feste Romane* : Festival of Rome 1 2 Sèvres de la vieille France Poema Autunnale Passacaglia-Maestoso, Giovanni Paolo Pannini La pentola magica 1 Lauda per la Natività del Signore Three Botticelli Pictures Metamorphoseon modi XII Ballata delle Gnomidi Toccata per pianoforte e orchestra Tre Corali di Johann Sebastian Bach Sinfonia Drammatica-f Belkis, regina di Saba, Suite n.1 1 Vetrate di Chiesa -1 -2 La pentola magica La boutique fantasque Gli uccelli,Les oiseaux,The Birds Trittico Botticelliano -1 -2 -3 Ancient Airs and Dances* Gregoriano, per violino e orchestra La Fiamma 1 VETRATE DI CHIESA BELFAGOR -1 -2 -3 -4 St Gregory the Great Christus-f Concerto Gregoriano, per violino e orchestra 1 Notturno 0 1 2 3 Sonata per pianoforte in fa minore Concerto in modo misolidio Quartetto Dorico Violin Sonata in B Minor Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in La minore (P.40) 

Ries,Ferdinand 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 no.2 no.3 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.4 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.5 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.6 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.7 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.8 -1 -2 -3 -4  Piano Concerto no.3 -1 -2 -3 no.4 -1 -2 -3 no.5 -1 -2 -3 no.8 -1 -2 -3 faces funding Fantasy for Piano -1 -2 Concerto for Two Horns -1 Piano Quartet in E Flat Major -1 -2 -3 Piano Quintet -1 -2 -3 Piano Sonata no.1 -1 -2

Rimsky Korsakov,Nikolai 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Capriccio Espagnol* 1 2 3 4 5 Scheherazade* 1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 'Antar' Symphony -1 -2 -3 -4 Symphony no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 Korsakov Russian Easter Festival Overture -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 Piano Concerto -1 -2 Levko aria May Night Sadko Song of India 1 2 3 Marfa's Aria Tsar's Bride Act IV 1 

Rodrigo,Joaquin 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Rodrigo,Joaquin  Rodrigo plays Rodrigo 1960  Concierto de Aranjuez -f  -f  -f  -f  -f  -f  -f  -f -f -Adagio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7    Piano Concerto -f -f -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 Piano Concerto Largo -1 -2   Concierto Pastoral, para flauta y orquesta -f -f  -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Concierto Pastoral Cuatro madrigales amatorios 1. con que la lavaré   Fantasia para un gentilhombre -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 1 2 3 4 5 6 A la busca del más allá, poème symphonique Per la flor del lliri blau   Diferencias sobre 'El Canto del Caballero' Suite for Piano 1 Sonada de adiós 1 Cinco Sonatas de Castilla con toccata a modo de pregón Cinco piezas del siglo XVI Serenata Espanola Tres Danzas de España Cinco Piezas Infantiles Cuatro estampas andaluzas A la Sombra de Torre Bermeja Tarde en el parque   Gran Marcha de los Subsecretarios. Regards Piano Duo Atardecer, piano 4 hands Sonatina para dos muñecas, piano a 4 manos    Sonata pimpante -1 -2 -3 Rumaniana Pequeña ronda   Cuatro canciones sefardies Nani, Nani Cántico de la Esposa Con Que La Lavare 1  Three Songs Canción del cucú Primavera 1 Canciones amatorias -1 -2 -3 Pastorcito Santo De los alamos vengo, madre Folias Canarias Tres Canciones Espanolas Una Polomita blanca..... Tres Villancicos   Por los campos de España

Rossini,Gioacchino 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Rossini,Gioacchino Il Barbiere di Siviglia* -f -f Tancredi* Armida* William Tell* Semiramide* L'Italiana in Algeri* Ermione* La Cenerentola* Le Comte Ory* La donna del Lago* Ricciardo e Zoraide* la pietra del paragone* Torvaldo e Dorliska* Il Viaggio a Reims* Stabat Mater*   Overture : Barber of Seville 1 2 La scala di seta   Semiramide* -1 -2   William Tell* -1 -2   La Cenerentola L'italiana in Algeri La Gazza LadraL’Italiana in Algeri: Cruda sorte ! Guglielmo Tell: Sombre fôret Caballe as Semiramide: Bel raggio lusinghier Barber of Seville: Overture Una voce poco fa 1 2 3 Guglielmo Tell, Overture Rigoletto sub Español -1〜 Petite messe solennelle -1〜 Petite messe solennelle Il barbiere di Siviglia Otello -Sinfonia   La Cenerentola*  : Clorinda Aria   Armida* : Final    Tancredi*  : La regata veneziana: Comte Ory -1〜 

◆Rousse,lAlbert 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony* Symphony no.1 -2 -4 -5 no.2 -3 -4 no.3 -1〜 

◆Rubbra, Edmund 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

 Symphony no.3 -1 -2 -3  no.4 -1 -2  no.5 -1 -2 -3  no.6-2  no.7-2 -3  no.9 -1 -2 -3 -4   The Morning Watch Overture Resurgam Lyric Movement op.24 Quartetto per archi n.2 op.73 Music for oboe -1 -3 Tribute

◆Ruggles,Carl 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Portals Men Men and Mountains Vox clamans in deserto Toys Organum Portals Evocations -1 -2 1 Sun-Treader -1 -2 1 Exaltation 1 Angels 1 Mood

Saint Saens,Camille 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Saint Saens,Camille  Symphonie en fa (in F) "Urbs Roma" Symphony* no.1 -f -1 -2 -3 -4  no.2 -f no.3 -f -f -f -f -f Carnevale degli Animali* -f -f -f -f -f -f Overture* : Samson et Dalila 3 La princesse jaune La Muse et le poète, for violin, cello & orchestra, Op.132 Spartacus The Yellow Princess Havanaise 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso 1 2 3 4 Romance 1 2 3   Piano Concerto* no.1 -f -f  -1 -2 -3  no.2*  -f -f -f -f  no.3* -f -f -f   no.4* -f -f -f  no.5* -f -f -f  -f   Violin Concerto* no.1 -f -f no.2 -f -f no.3 -f -f -f -f   Cello Concerto* -f no.1 1 2 3 4 5 no.2   Piano Quartet no.1   Violin Sonata* no.1 -f -f -1〜 -1〜   Oboe sonata Sonate for Bassoon Op.168 Septuor op. 65 -1 -2 Fantaisie op.124   danse macabre*  1 2 3 4 5 6   Samson et Dalila* :  -f -f -f Overture 1 2   Printemps qui commence 1 2 3 4 5 Amour viens aider ma faiblesse 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bacchanale 1 2 3 5 -Dieu! Dieu d'Israël! Requiem Op.54 

Sammartini, Giuseppe1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

◆Santos,José Manuel Joly Braga 1/ ☆□You Tube Search

Symphony no.1 -f -f  no.2 -f  no.3 -f  no.4 -f -f  no.5 -f  no.6 Variations symphoniques sur un chant de l'Alentejo Elegy in Memory of Vianna da Motta Concerto para cordas em ré -1 -2 -3 Encruzilhada  Divertimento nº 2 -1〜 Concerto para Violoncelo e Orquestra, op.60 -1〜

Sarasate, Pablo de 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Zigeunerweisen* Introduction and Tarantella* Carmen Fantasy* Tarantella* Caprice Basque*

Satie,Erik 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Erik Satie  Gymnopedia* no.1 1 no.2 no.3 Ogives* Gnossienne* no.1 no.2 no.3 no.4 no.5 no.6 no.7 Je te veux 1 2 Poudre d'Or Nocturne no.1 no.2 no.3 no.4 Five Nocturnes Sarabande* Uspud (Ballet Chrétien)*  Socrates*  Parade*  Musique d'ameublement*  Trois Préludes pour "Le Fils des Étoiles"*  Sonneries de la rose croix*  Prelude du Nazareen    Trois petites pièces montées Petite ouverture a danser Relâche Les Aventures de Mercure Rêverie du Pauvre Socrate I Socrate II Socrate III -1 -2 -3 Tapisserie en fer forgé Musique D'Ameublement Jack in the Box René Clair: Entr'Acte 1 VEXATIONS Sonatine Bureaucratique Idylle cynique Air du Grand Prieur Les Trois Valses Distinguées Le Fils des Etoiles Le Piccadilly Embryons Desséchés Heures Séculaires En Habit De Cheval SPORTS ET DIVERTISSEMENTS Avant-Dernières Pensées  Geneviève de Brabant -1 -2 Le Piège de Méduse -1 -2 Messe des Pauvres, I-IV | Entr'act

Scarlatti, Alessandro 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

O cessate di piagarmi Mentre io godo in dolce oblio Sento nel core Infirmata, vulnerata Belle Madre de' Fiori -1 -2 -3 -4 1 Il Giardino d'Amore (Venere e Adone) La Giuditta. Dormi! De Tenebroso Lacu Cara tomba O di Betlemme altera Griselda se il mio dolor t'offende Infirmata, vulnerata O cessate di piagarmi 1 Su venite e consiglio  Clori vezzosa e bella Sento nel core Son Tutta Duolo 1 Bella mano Colomba innamorata Telemaco, già nel seno Laetatus sum La fraterna amica pace Salve Regina Op. 2 No.10 Magnificat 1 -1 -2 -3 Stabat Mater Passion Selon Saint Jean 1    Sonata a quattro n. 4 in Re minore  Sonata nona in A minor Toccata per cembalo d'Ottava stesa Cello Sonata No.1 in D minor 1 Cello sonata No 2 in C minor Sedecia, Re Di Gerusalemme. Lesne -f Toccatas for Cembalo -f Concerto Grosso and Concertos, I Musici  -f  6 Concerti Grossi & Sinfonie -f 7 Concerti di flauto, violini, violetta e bassi -f Concerto grosso no.1  no.2  no.3  no.4  no.5 Concerto for recorder in A minor    Dixit Dominus -1 -2 1 Il Vespero di Santa Cecilia -1 -2 -3 Carlo, rè d'Alemagna -1 -2 -3 Salve Regina Dormi, ma sappi almen Cor mio, deh non languire Casimiro, re di Polonia Miserere Mei (Psalm 51)  Christmas Pastoral Cantata Cantatas Cantata Pastorale per la Nascita Di Nostro Signore Messa di Santa Cecilia Griselda  -f -1 -2 Telemaco, opera in 3 acts -f  Il giardino di rose (oratorio)  -f Penelope la casta -f Agar et Ismaele esiliati -f Abramo il tuo sembiante -f Oratorio Il primo omicidio -f  Oratorio per La Santissima Trinità -f La Griselda -f 

Scarlatti, Domenico 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Michelangeli- : Sonata K 11 C minor Torino 1 Sonata in d minor K.9 Scarlatti, K.29 (L.461) Sonata D major K. 96 Sonata C Major K. 159 sonata K.172  Sonata in A major L. 483, KK 322 Sonata K.322 Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Recital 2/24/67 Carnegie Hall -f Domenico Scarlatti, Johann Sebastian Bach.. seconda parte-  Sonata in re magg. L. 461 (1949) Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli - Scarlatti (live in Helsinki) Scarlatti, Bach & Beethoven rec 1941 5 piano sonatas Sonata in A major Sonata in B minor  C major 4 Sonate Sonata in B minor, L.449 L. 352-413-483-449 -prima parte-   Sonata :  k1 k8 k9 K11 k13 k15 k27 k52 k54 k64 1 k69 K81 k87 k99 k101 k108 k126 k128 k141 1 k142 K441 k145 k146 k157 k159 k162 k184 k185 k227 k247 k287 k308 k380 k444 k450 K460 k466 k469 k474 k475 k490 k519 K531 k532 L21 L33 L104 L118 L129 L186 L241 L267 L352 L366 L391 L422 L423 L424 L465 L481 L486 L499

Schnittke, Alfred 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Schnittke, Alfred Polyphonischer Tango 1 Tango in a madhouse Declaration of Love Silent Night for violin and piano 1    Sinfonia n.1 -f  -f no.2 -f -f no.3 -f -f -f -f no.4 -f -f -f -f no.5 -f no.6 -f no.7 -f no.8 -f no.9 -f -1 -2 -3   Monologue for Viola and String Orchestra The Adventures of a Dentist Sketches Serenade Sport, sport, sport The Story Of An Unknown Actor The Glass Harmonica Rikki Tikki Tavi Gogol Suite The Fairytale of the Wanderings Story of an unknown actor, op. 125  For Liverpool Labyrinths Steam Quasi una sonata Sommernachtstraum On the Sleigh Ritual for Large Symphony Orchestra Passacaglia Nagasaki -1 -2 -3    Concerto for oboe, harp and strings Piano Concerto 1 2 3 4 5 Concerto Grosso no.1 -f no.2 no.3 1 2 3 4 no.4 no.5 no.6 -f no.8 Concerto per pianoforte Concerto per violino no.1 -f  -f  -1 -2 -3 no.2 no.3 -f no.4 no.6 Concerto per viola 1 2 3 4 5 Concerto per pianoforte a quattro mani Concerto per pianoforte Concerto per pianoforte e archi Double Piano Concerto Concerto for piano and strings 1 2 3 Peer Gynt -1 -2 -3 -4 Quasi una sonata    Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano String Trio Piano Quintet 1 2 3 4 5 String Quartetno.2 no.3 no.4 Variations for String Quartet    Sonata No1 for violin and chamber orchestra Violin Sonata no.2 Cello Sonata no.1 -f -f no.2 Piano Sonata no.1 Piano Sonata no.2  "Quasi una Sonata" -1 -2 Piano Sonata no.3 Seid nüchtern und wachet    Gesualdo -1 -2 Nagasaki Oratorio Choir Concerto Faust Cantata Psalms of Repentance 3 fragments from an unfinished Cantata Credo Requiem -f -f -f -1 -2 -3

Schoenberg, Arnold 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Schoenberg, Arnold  Lied der Waldtaube -1 -2 Du sendest mir einen Liebesblick-1 -2 Gurrelieder 1 Fünf Orchesterstücke Kammersymphonie no.1 op.9 1 -1 -2 -3 Kammersymphonie no.2 op38 -1 -2 Verklaerte Nacht -1-1-1-1-1-1〜 Begleitmusik FRIEDE AUF ERDENop.13 Pierrot lunaire -1-1〜 Variations for Orchestra op.31 -1 -2 Die glueckliche Hand op.18 Orchesterstuecke op.16 -1 -2 Weihnachtsmusik Serenade op. 24 -f -1〜 Moses und Aron -1 -2 I used to paint Erwartung op.17 1 2 A Survivor from Warsaw 1 2 3   Gigerlette 6 little pieces op. 19 Quintett op. 26 i -1〜   Violin Concerto -1〜 Fantasie op.47 -1 -2 Kammersymphonie op.9 Complete String Quartets -f String Quartet no.1 -1〜 String Quartet no.3 -1-4 -1〜 String Quartet no.4 -1〜 String Sextet -1〜 ROSAMUNDE-Ouverture    Piano Concerto -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -1 -2 1 2 3 Three Piano Pieces no.1 6 Kleine Kalvierstücke -1〜 3 Klavier Stücke op.11 -1〜 Suite for Piano op.25 -1-1〜 Piece for Piano op.33a Drei Klavierstücke no.1 no.2 no.3 Serenade op. 24 -1〜 Zwei Gesänge op.1 -1 -2 -1 -2 Interview Twelve Arnold Schoenberg and Mozart Nono and Arnold Schoenberg Recreation and Humor Hilary and The Schoenbergs Hilary Hahn .. family Hilary Hahn answers .. questions

Schubert,Franz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Symphony* no.1 -f -f no.3 -f -f no.4 -f -f -f no.5 -f -f -f no.6 -f -f -f no.7 -f -f -f no.8 -f -f -f no.9 -f -f no.10 -f -f -f   Rosamunde* -f -f -Ouvertüre -Ballet Music -Entr'acte no.3 -Entr'acte no.1 -Overture 1 2 -Entr'acte 1 2 -Der Vollmond Serenade* Ave Maria* Erlkönig*   Notturno 0 1 2 Grand Rondeau D 951 Piano Sonata* -f D.566 -1〜 D. 664 -1〜 D.784 -1〜 D.840 -1〜 D.915 D.940 -1〜 D. 958 D. 959 D. 960 -f -f -1〜 A major -1〜 D.894 -1〜 Valse Caprice Rondo Fantasy in F minor Wanderer Fantasy* -f -f -f Impromptus* -f -f D.899* -f -1-1〜 -no.1 -no.2 -no.3 D.935* -f -f -1〜 Moment Musical D. 780 no.3 Arpeggione Sonata* 1 2 -1-1-1〜   String Quartet* Rosamunde* Death and the Maiden* String Quintet* Piano Quintet The Trout* Octet*   The most beautiful songs Lieder* Die schöne Müllerin* Die Winterreise* Psalm 23 Magnificat* Divertissment a la Hongroise Heidenröslein Salve Regina Deutsche Messe: Heilig, heilig, heilig.. 

Schumann,Robert 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1 -f -f -f -1〜 no.2 -f -f -f -f no.3 -f -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 no.4 -f -f -f -f -1〜 Overture to Manfred 1 2 Faust Overture 1 Overture to Genoveva Overture, Scherzo & Finale -f -1 -2 Overture to the Bride of Messina   Piano Concerto -f -f -f -f -f Clara Schumann/ Piano Concerto op. 7 Kinderszenen 0 1 Humoreske, op.20 Fantasy op.12 -f -f -1 -2 op.17 -1 -2 Arabesque 'Abegg' Variations Variations Abegg op 1 & Papillons op 2 Nachtstücke op.23 Kreisleriana, op. 16 Traumerei 1 Abegg Variations 1 Widmung Faschingsschwank aus Wien -1 -2 Piano Sonata no.1 1 2 Piano Sonata no.2 1 2 no.3 1 -1〜 -1〜 Symphonic Etudes op.13 1 2 Carnaval -f -1〜 Waldszenen op. 82 Toccata op.7 1 Blumenstück    Violin Concerto -f -f -f Cello concerto op.129 1 2 3 Nicht schnell Lebhaft Fantasy Pieces Nos 1-3 op.73 1 Violin Sonata no.2 -f Piano Quintet in E-flat Major op. 44 -f -f -1〜 Piano Trio no.1 -f -f Romanzas para Oboe y Piano Rose, Meer und Sonne Mein Wagen rollet langsam op.142-4 Mondnacht 2006 Szenes Faust Goethe 1 -2〜 Dichterliebe -1〜   Lieder -f "Liederkreis" op. 24 Requiem Op 148 -f The Best of Schumann

◆Schuman, William 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.2 -1 -2 -3  no.4 -1 -2 -3  no.7 -1  no.8 -1 -2  no.9, "Le fosse ardeatine" -1 -2 -3   Piano Concerto -1 -2 -3 Violin Concerto -1 -2 -3 Newsreel, in five shots Credendum Chester Overture In Praise of Shahn On Freedom's Ground George Washington Bridge When Jesus Wept New England Triptych -1 -2 -3 Undertow (1945) ballet -1 -2 -3 Three-Score Set for piano String Quartet no.3 

Sciarrino, Salvatore 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Adagio n. 2 Recitativo oscuro Sui Poemi Concentrici III -1-1〜 Il Giornale della Necropoli -1 -2 Infinito Nero -1 -2 Perseo e Andromeda Sei quartetti brevi 1 Un'immagine di Arpocrate, per pianoforte -1〜 L'addio a Trachis De o de do Aspern Suite -1 -2 -3 Variazioni for Cello and Orchestra L'orizzonte luminoso di Aton Autoritratto nella notte 1 Vento d'ombra Lo spazio inverso Esplorazione del bianco II Due notturni crudeli : II Furia, metallo Theater La Fenice in Venedig -1 -2 Efebo con Radio L'altro Giardino Violin Concerto -1 -2 -3 Piano Concerto no. -1 -2 -3 -4 Anamorfosi Piano Trio no. 2 Sonatina for violin and piano Notturno no.1 no.2 no.4 Piano Sonata no.1 -1 no.2 no.3 -1 -2 no.5 -1 -2 Esplorazione del Bianco I Tre Notturni Brillanti 1 Sei Capricci for solo violin Lettera degli antipodi portata dal vento 1

◆Scott, Cyril 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Symphony no.1  no. 3 "The Muses"  no.4 Neptune (Poem of the Sea)   Piano Concerto no.1 -1 -2 -3   Cello Concerto Early One Morning

Scriabin, Alexander 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Scriabin, Alexander Symphony no 1 -f -f -f no 2 -f -f -f no 3 "The Divine Poem" -f -f -f -f -f -f -f  Poem of Ecstasy op.54 -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 Prometheus, the Poem of Fire -f -f -1 -2 -3 Prometheus -f -f -f -1〜 Mysterium -f -1 -2 -1 Nocturne 1 2 3 Fantasy for piano and orchestra Reverie, for orchestra in E Major, Op. 24   Piano Concerto no.1 op.20-f  -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f-f -f    "Poème", op. 52, no.1 Preludes op 11 1 2 3 4 Mazurkas op 3 Vers La Flamme Op.72 Fantasie op. 28 1 2    Sonata no.2 1  no.3 1  no.4 1  no.5 1 2  no.6 no.7 1 2 -1 -2  no.8 no.9 1 2 3 no.10 -1 -2   Etude op.2 no.1 1 op.8, no.5 E major op.8 no.11 1 op.42 -f no.5 1 op.65 Vers La Flamme op.72 1 2 3 Vladimir Ashkenazy : Scriabin/ Symphony no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Nemtin, Mysterium. Prefatory Action Piano Concerto Op.20 -f -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 Piano Sonata -f  no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.3  -1 -2 -3 -4  no.5  no.6  no.7  no.8   Vladimir Horowitz : Etude op.2-1 op.8-11 op.8-12 1 op.42-5 Sonata op.64 op.68 1 Vers la flamme op.72

Shostakovich, Dmitri 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Shostakovich, Dmitri  Waltz The Gadfly, suite   Symphony no.1 -f -f no.2 -f -f no.3 -f -f no.4 -f -f no.5 -f -f -f no.6 -f -f no.7 -f -f -f no.8 -f -f -f no.9 -f -1〜 no.10 -f -f -f  no.11 -f -f -f  no.12 -f -f  no.13 -f -f   Violin Concerto no.1 -f -f -f no.2 -f -f Cello Concerto no.1 -f -f -f Piano Concerto no.1 -f -f -f no.2 -f -f -f   Cheryomushki op.105 -1〜  -1〜  Violin Sonata op 134 24 Preludes and Fugues for Piano, Op. 87 -f  String Quartet no.1 -1〜 no.2 -1〜  no.4 -f  no.8 -f -f  no.11〜13 -f Piano Trio no.2 -f   Satires, Op.109 -1 -2   Ballet Suite no.4 -f  Nose -f

Sibelius, Jean 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Sibelius, Jean Symphony no.1* -f -f -f -f -f -f no.2* -f -f -f -f -f no.3* -f -f -f -f no.4* -f -f -f -f no.5* -f -f -f -f no.6* -f -f -f -f no.7* -f -f -f -f -f Violin Concerto* -f -f -f -f -f -f Overture : Overture Karelia Suite 1 2 3 4 The Tempest, op.109 Overture -1 -2 Overture in E Major Overture in A Minor, Js 144 The Swan of TuonelaValse Triste 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 Cassazione op.6 King Christian Andante festivo 1 Opus 49 -1 -2 Finlandia* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Intermezzo 1 Scènes Historique, Suite no.1 op.25 The Wood Nymph, op. 15 Vâinô's Song, op. 110 Spring Song, op.16 Ballade Lemminkäinen's Return Alla marcia 1 Tercera Sinfonia "Swanwhite" Suite op. 54 The Dryad & Tanz-Intermezzo, op. 45 Pan and Echo Sonatine in f-sharp minor op. 67 no.1 no.2 Three Lyric Pieces ''Kyllikki'' -1 -2 -3 The Fir, Op 75-5 Night Ride and Sunrise -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Two Pieces, op. 77

Smetana, Bedrich 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Má vlast -1 -2 -3 -f -Šárka Má Vlast My Country* Moldue* String Quartet* The Bartered Bride* -1 -2 -3 Libuse A minha Pátria Die Moldau -1 -2 Prodana nevésta -Ouverture

Sor,Fernando 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

♫ Play List -Sor,Fernando Sinfonía No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Cendrillon - Ballet Suite: Obertura Violin Concerto in G major Obertura del ballet "Cendrillon" Obertura del ballet "Hercule et Omphale" Obertura del ballet "Alphonse et Léonore ou L'amant peintre" Obertura del melodrama "La Elvira portuguesa" 1 La Romanesca   Les Adieux op.21 La Despedida Op. 21 Serenade Op.37 Folies d'Espagne Introduction and variations on a Theme by Mozart Op 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L'Encouragement-Cantabile, Theme and Variation -1 -2 Variations on "Que ne suis-je la fougere op.26 Variations on "Gentil housard" op.27 Variations on "Malbroug" op.28  Andante Largo, Op.5 no.5 1 Moderato  no.17 op.35 Opus 60 Exercises 20, 16, 22, 23, 12 "Le Calme"op.50 Sicilienne & b) March Op 33 No. 03 a) Tempo di Minuetto Op 36 No. 1a  Exercise in E Minor Op 35 No. 24  Theme Varie Op 03 No. 01  Morceau de Concert Op. 54  6 SHORT PIECES Op. 42 No. 01 No. 02 No. 03 No. 04 No. 05 No. 06   Moderato Cantabile & b) Op 33 -1 -2 -3     Studies -1 -2 Studies for Guitar -f Study Op 6 no.2 1 Study Op 6 no.6 Study in C op.6 no.8 Study op.6 no.9 Study op.6 no.11 1 Study op.6 no.12 1 Study Bb Major Op.29 no.13 Study Op 29 no.17 1 Study Op. 31 no.19 Study Op. 31 no.20 1 Study Op. 31 no.16 Study Op 35 no.22 1 2 3 Study Op. 60 no.5   Les Adieux op.6 Les Adieux, op 21 Les Deux Amis" Op.41   Grand Solo op.14 in D major 1 2 3 4 5   Op.32 Vals  24 Etudes -f Estudio No 1 Estudio No. 5 in B Minor 1 Estudio No 6 1 2 Etude in E Minor Op 29 No. 24 Estudio en si menor Op. 35 Nº 22 Introduction à l'Étude de la Guitare, Op 60  Sonata Op 15b in C  Sonata op.22 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 Sonata en Do menor Op. 25 1 2 -1 -2   Fantasia 1 Fantaisie Élégiaque Fantasia in C Minor Op 07 Fantasia in F Op 10 Fantasia op.12 Fantasia op.22 -1 -2 -3 -4 Fantasia op.30  Fantasia on Scottish Air op.40 Fantasia "Souvenir d' Amitie" op.46 Fantasie for 2 guitars, Op. 54 Fantasia op.58 Fantasia "Elegiaque" Op. 59   Ti ricordi che giurasti  Cinco Seguidillas Preparame la tumba  The Spanish Guitar ( The best of ) -f The Fortepiano Works -f 

◆Stanford, Charles Villiers 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Symphony*  Clarinet Concerto -1 -2 -3 Fantasia in re minore Irish Rhapsody no. 1 -1 -2 Requiem -1〜 Te Deum 1 Nunc Dimitis Magnificat in B flat 

◆Stenhammar, Wilhelm /

Serenade -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

Stockhausen, Karlheinz 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Stockhausen, Karlheinz Gruppen -f JUBILÄUM -f Mike Truesdell & Renate Rohlfing -f Momente -f KONTRA-PUNKTE  -f Kontakte -f Callithumpian Consort -f Freude -f Michaels Reise um die Erde  -f Helikopter-Streichquartett -f Kreuzspiel -f Inori / Formel  -f Studie I -f HYMNEN (Elektronische und konkrete Musik) Region 1 + 2 -f Oktophonie -f Hymnen -f Luzifers Abschied -f Sirius -f Elektronische Musik -f Invasion-Explosion mit Abschied  -f Zeitmasse -f Mantra -f Kurzwellen -f Trans -f Stop · Ylem -f Stimmung -f Klang 2, Freude -f Luzifers Tanz -f Quartetto per archi ed elicotteri -f FREITAGS-GRUSS (WELTRAUM -f -1 -2 Nachtmusik -f STERNKLANG -f Elektronische Musik aus SIRIUS -f Opus -f Mittwochs-Gruß  -f Tierkreis für Orchester  -f GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE -f Freitag Aus Licht -1 -2 -3 -4 Klavierstücke -f Intuitive Music Spiral Eclipse solar Solo für Melodieinstrument und Rückkoplung -1 -2 Mantra -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 Mikrophonie I-II -- Telemusik Mikrophonie I -1 -2 -3 -4 1 2 Mikrophonie II -1 -2 Telemusik -1 -2 KONTAKTE -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 Examen -1 -2 Gruppen -f -f -f Carré -1 -2 -3 Kreuzspiel -f  -f -1 -2 vibra elufa Cycle Oben und Unten Klavierstuck : -f -f  T U V W X 1 Y 1 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 Z 1 [ 1 2 3 \ 1 2 3 4 ] -f -f -f -f XI -f XI-1 -2 -1 -2 1 XII -f -1 -2 XIII -f -1 -2 -3 -4 XIV 1 vanessa benelli mosell plays Set Sail For The Sun

Strauss Jr., Johann 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Waltz* The Blue Danube Waltz* Roses from the South* Vienna Blood Waltz* Die Fledermaus* Indigo und die vierzig Räuber

Strauss,Richard 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Strauss,Richard Metamorphosen* 1 2 -1 -2 -3 Ein Heldenleben* -f -f -f -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -2 Symphonia Domestica* -f -f Eine Alpensinfonie* -f -f -f -f Also Sprach Zarathustra* -f -f -f -f Tod und Verklärung* -f -1 -2 -f -f -f -f Till Eulenspiegel* -f -f -f Elektra* Wo bliebt Elektra? -1〜 Don Juan* -f Don Quixote* -f -f -f -f   Burleske for Piano and Orchestra -1 -2 Horn Concerto* Oboe Concerto Capriccio* French horn concerto no.1 Ein Heldenleben, horn solo   Der Rosenkavalier* 1 Vier letzte Lieder Der Rosenkavalier -1 -2 0 1 Zueignung   Last Songs Spring Septembre At Sunset Morgen! Vier Letzte Lieder : Im Abendrot Beim Schlafengehen Frühling September An die Nacht Zweite Brautnacht! Poise documentaire F.P. Decker -1 -2 -3 -4 Beim Schlafengehen Befreit Der Rosenkavalier -1〜 1 ich hab'inh nicht Wie schön ist doch die Musik Salome Dance of the 7 Veils Befreit Wiegenlie Allein, weh..Beim Schlafengehen September In Abendrot Frühling Ariadne auf Naxos -1〜 Zerbinetta's aria -1 -2 Elektra -1〜、 

Stravinsky,Igors 1 2/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Stravinsky,Igors Stravinsky conducts*  Apollo Musagéte* -f -f -f Rite of Spring* -f -f -f -f Firebird* -f -f -f -f -f Pulcinella* -f -f -f Petrushka* -f -f -f -f -f Orpheus* -f L'Histoire du Soldat* -f -f -f -f -f -f Symphony in C major* -f -f -1〜 -1〜 Symphony of Psalms* -f -f -f -f -1〜 Symphonies of Winds 1 2 3 Symphony in 3 movements -1〜 Sinfonía en tres movimientos Concerto in D* -f -f -1 -2 -3 -1〜 Tthree pieces-1 -2 Soldier's Tale Dumbarton Oaks -1 -2 -3 Agon 1 A Sermon, A Narrative and A Prayer -1 -2 Sinfonia Instrumentos Viento Le Sacre du Printemps -1Primera Parte -Segunda Parte -Tercera Parte -Quinta Parte   Stravinsky plays Piano Sonata Etudes, op. 7 1   Violin Concerto* -f -f -f   Piano Concerto* -f -f -f -f -f   The Flood Movements for Piano and Orchestra Variations: Aldous Huxley in Memoriam Four Norvegian Moods Suite Italienne-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Studies 7 Etude The Rake's Progress : Prelude No Word From Tom 1 2 3 4 Gently, Little Boat Song of the Nightingale 


打ち下ろす打弦、キッパリした管弦のユニゾン数回。 下降短調のユニゾンは対位法を軸に、変容・展開し覆い尽くし自身を飲み込む。 僧院のしずしずした歩み・ 階段下降・合唱があり。 この進行、全世界の大股、変拍子縦列推進は爽快・愉快の絶頂。 木管が、はなさんのシンプルなつま先歩き、清楚なほほえましい下降音階主題を提示・発表。  さらにいくつもの管がさらりと裏返したり、突いてみたり、くるくる回し放り投げグルテンを伸ばしたり。 中勢の合唱隊が対位法で幾重にも綾める、次第に広がり大勢になる。  管弦が襲いかかり飲み込み、祝祭を打ち上げる。 大きな円は憂愁に満たされ霧散。 金管の咆哮、ホホホホホホッ…*、ホホホホホホッ…*、これが次の主題。 合唱が縦にザクザクと心地よく太刀を振るう。  明るく開けた広場で大らかに終演を収める。 いきなりいきり立ち、合戦が。 何をとち狂ったのか、明快にして新たなる動機を投入。 取り返しの付かない事態になっても、むしろ冷ややかにそれを愉しんでいる。  アドレナリンが地を這い、灰色の構造物(“Д”)・モノリスが迫る。 

◆Strozzi,Barbara  1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Szymanowski, Karol 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

武満徹 1/ ☆□You Tube Search 1 :

♫ Play List -Toru Takemitsu(武満徹)   怪談 1 切腹 環礁 秋庭歌 -1 -2 遠い声の彼方へ 1 Les Yeux clos 雨の樹素描 II  For Away 遮られない休息 -1 -2 -3 テクスチュアズ 1 2 3 そしてそれが風であることを知った -1 -2 《ファンタズマ / カントス》 すべては薄明のなかで 地平線のドーリア 1 グリーン 1 弦楽のためのレクイエム 1 2 ノスタルジア ア・ストリング・アラウンド・オータム ノヴェンバー・ステップス 1 エクリプス 1 鳥は星形の庭に降りる 1 サントリーリザーブ 系図 1 未来への遺産 雨の樹 黒い絵画 ソリチュード・ソレール シーン 弦楽のためのコロナU 弧 -1 -2 アステリズム クロッシング   ユーカリプス カシオペア   カトレーン ジティマルヤ ア・ウェイ・ア・ローンU マージナリア 海へU マイ・ウェイ・オブ・ライフ トゥリー・ライン ア・ストリング・アラウンド・オータム ヴィジョンズ ウォーター・ドリーミング ノスタルジア トゥイル・バイ・トワイライト  他人の顔 燃える秋 早春賦 波の盆 1 死んだ男の残したものは 小さな空 雨の樹素描 II そしてそれが風であることを知った -1 -2 ピアノと管弦楽のための弧 -1 -2 To the Edge of Dream Waltz Air I Hear the Water Dreaming And then I knew t'was wind  Nostalghia Requiem 1 2 3 November Steps 1 -1 -2 Green for Orchestra Gémeaux : Strophe Genesis Traces Antistrophe Rain Tree Sketch 1 For Away Paths Voice for Flute solo A Flock Descends.. Garden -1 -2 Uninterrupted Rest Les Yeux Clos II Litany -1 -2 Spirit Garden Coral Island -1 -2 Water Music To the Edge of  雅楽:秋庭歌 -1 -2

Tallis,Thomas 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

The Lamentations Of Jeremiah: 1. Incipit lamentatio(ECM New Series Anthology) Lamentations of Jeremiah -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 Sacred Music -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit Choral music Fantasia -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -1 -2 1 Videte miraculum Homo quidam Audivi vocem Candidi facti sunt Dum transisset sabbatum Honor, virtus et potestas Hodie nobis Loquebantur variis linguis In pace, in idipsum Mass for four voices -1 -2 -3 -4 If ye love me Tallis Fantasia 1 2 3 4 Te Deum O Nata Lux If ye love me Miserere Nostri Spem In Alium 1 2 3 4 5 Canon in D Mediæval England Jesu Salvator Saeculi Middle Earth The Tallis Scholars -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

Tallis,Thomas/ The Lamentations of Jeremiah/Salvator mundi/O sacrum convivium/Mass for Four Voices/Absterge Domine: Music: Michael George,Paul Hillier,Thomas Tallis,Hilliard Ensemble,John Potter,David James,Rogers Covey-Crump

Tallis,Thomas 1/Lamentations of Jeremiah 1/ Hilliard Ensemble

Tallis,Thomas/ The Tallis Scholars Sing Thomas Tallis

Tarrega, Francisco 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Tartini,Giuseppe 1/ 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

The Devil's Trill* -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 Concert in D -1 -2 Cello Concerto sonata per violino -1 -2 Alexis Kossenko -1 -2

Tartini,Giuseppe 1/ The Devil’s Sonata 1 2/ Andrew Manze

悩みを吐露するような、打ち明ける兆しのようなもたれ掛かる、親しみやすいラテンのメロディー。 激しく鼓舞しせかすのだが、同時に鎮静と諦めの混沌とした叙情。

Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Manfred Symphony -1〜 Symphony no.1 1 2 3 no.2 1 2 3 no.3 1 2 3 no.4 1 2 3 4 no.5 1 2 3 4 no.6 1 2 3 4   Violin Concerto* -f -f -f -f   Piano Concerto no.1 -f -f -f -f no.2 -f -f -f no.3 -f 1 2   Capriccio Italien* 0 1 2 3 4 5 Marche Slave* 1 2 3 Overture : 1812* The Voyevoda The Forest Of Fir Trees In Winter Romeo and Juliet Fantasy*   Sleeping Beauty -Waltz -Pas d'action -Panorama -Pas de caractere Christmas Tree Decoration Swan Lake Complete Ballet* Swan Lake suite* The Nutcracker Ballet* Nutcracker suite* -f Sleeping Beauty* Ballet The Sleeping Beauty*   Serenade for Strings*   Francesca da Rimini 1 Marche Slave* 1812* Romeo and Juliet* Andante cantabile* Rococo Variations* Eugene Onegin* : letter scene* 0 1 2 3 Ballet "Onegin". -f

Telemann, Georg Philipp 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :


Thomas, Ambroise 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Tippett, Michael 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

A Child of our Time -f -f Sinfonia no.1 -1 -2 -3 no.2 -1 -2 -3 no.3 -f no.4 -f -1 -2 -3 Praeludium Mosiac Suite in D -1 -2 Shires Suite -1 -2 -3 The Midsummer Marriage Ritual Dances from The Midsummer Marriage Praeludium for brass, bells and percussion    Concerto for Double String Orchestra 1 2 3 Concerto per orchestra -1 -2 -3 Variations on Sellenger's Round Divertimento on Sellinger's Round Triple Concerto Concerto for Violin, Viola and Cello  Concerto per violino, viola, violoncello e orchestra -1 -2 -3 Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra -1 -2 -3 -4 Praeludium Fantasia Concertante on a Theme of Handel Fantasia Concertante on a Theme of Corelli New Year Suite Sonata per pianoforte no.1 -1 -2 no.2 no.3 -1 -2 -3 String Quartet no.3 -1〜 no.5 -1 -2 A Composer and an Orchestra -1 -2 -3 -4 What, then, did I want 〜

◆Traetta, Tommaso  1/ ☆□You Tube Search :


Varèse,Edgard 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Varèse,Edgard Ionisation 1 2 3 4 5 Varese and the Lion's Roar Octandre 1 2 3 Ameriques 1 2 3 4 5 6 Density 21.5 1 2 Déserts 1 2 3 -1 -2 Tuning Up 1 Nocturnal 1 Offrandes 1 Le-Corbusier_Poeme The Gobi Desert Best version of Ecuatorial Hyperprism 1 2 Poème électronique 1 2 Écuatorial 1 2 Arcana 1 Offrandes 1 2 Intégrales 1 2 The one all alone Ensemble intercontemporain Un grand sommeil noir Noise Cut Documentaire sur Edgar Varèse Varese -1 -2 -3

Vaughan-Williams, Ralph 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Vaughan-Williams, Ralph A Sea Symphony -f -f -f -f -f A London Symphony-1 -2 -3 -4  Symphony no.2 -f -f -f  no.3 -f no.4 -f -f -f -1 no.5 -f -f -f -1〜  no.6 -f -f -f no.7 -1〜 no.8 -f -2 -4  no.9 -f   Norfolk Rhapsody No.1  no.2 Loch Lomond Fantasia on Greensleeves 1 Fantasia On A Theme By Thomas Tallis Is my Team Ploughing? Six Studies in English Folksong The Pilgrim Pavement The Poisoned Kiss (Overture) OUVERTURE (FROM 'THE WASPS'.. An Oxford Elegy -1 -2 3 Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes -3 Wasps Overture Hodie -1〜 Flos Campi-1 -2 -3 Serenade to Music -1 -2 -1 -2 Job, a Masque for dancing   Piano Concerto Tuba Concerto -1-1〜 Oboe Concerto -1 -2 -3 -f   The Lark Ascending Five Mystical Songs -1〜 Nocturne Norfolk Rhapsody no.1 〃  no.2 The England of Elizabeth-1 -2 -3 The Lark Ascending -1 -2 In the Fen Country -1 -2 Linden Lea Prelude and Fuge in C minor Hymn-tune Prelude on Song XIII Dona Nobis Pacem 1/4〜   Tallis Fantasia Piano Concerto -1〜 String Quartet in C minor -1〜 Romance & Pastorale, for violin and piano Suite de Ballet for flute and piano Quintet in D major -1 -2 -3 -4   Sir John in Love Mass in G minor 1

Verdi,Giuseppe 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Verdi,Giuseppe Nabucco* : Va, pensiero, sull’ali dorate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 I Lombardi alla prima crociata 1 2 3 4  Ernani* : 1 2 3  Attila*1 2 3 4 5 6  Macbeth*1 2 3 4 5 6  I masnadieri* :  1 2 3 4 5 6  Luisa Miller*1 2 3 4 5  Stiffelio* : 1 2 3 4 5  Rigoletto* : 1 2 3 4 6  Il Trovatore* : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  La Traviata* : -1〜 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Di Provenza il mar, il suol  Les vêpres siciliennes*1 2 3 4  Simon Boccanegra* : 1 2 3 4 5  Un Ballo Ma dall’arido* : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  La Forza del Destino* : 1 2 3 4 5  Don Carlo* : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0  Aida*  : -f 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  Otello* : Mia madre...Piangea cantando Vanne! La tua meta già vedo...Credo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2   Overture : Nabucco 1 Nabucco -Va Pensiero Sull'Ali Dorate Rigoletto Giovanna d'Arco La Forza Del Destino 1 2 Les vêpres siciliennes La traviata Aida -1 -2 1 Don Carlo Attila Macbeth -1 -2 -3 OtelloMaria Callas*  Falstaff -1〜 1 2 3 4 5 6 Requiem -f -1〜 -11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Verdi,Giuseppe 1/ LA FORZA DESTINO/ ....SINFONIA/ 423 148-2 

冷え冷えした夕暮れ。 一人で留守番、暗い夕闇が静穏のなかにずんずん浸透して、その奥の方に“事件かなんか”が。  見えなくて、恐ろしいものが起こりつつあると、心と頭の中はいっぱいになり、一歩も動けなくなる。 

Villa Lobos,Heitor 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Villa Lobos,Heitor  Documentário "Índio de Casaca"  Bachianas Brasileiras no.7 Preludio 1 no.4  no.8  no.1  no.2  no.3 : Choros no.10 -1 -2 Chôros no.11 -2 -3 Canção do Marinheiro -1〜 Valsa da Dor A Lenda do Interpreta Bachianas Brasileiras* Bachianas Brasileiras no.1 -f -f -f -f -Prelùdio 1 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3   no.2 -f -f -f -f -f  1 -1 -2 -3 -4 Tocata   no.3 -f -f -f -f -f -f Prelude -1 -2 -3 -4 Tocata   no.4 -f -f -f -f -f -f -Prelide 1 2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3   no.5 -f -f -f -f Aria 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5  no.6 -f -f -f   no.7 -f -f -f -f -f -Preludio 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4   no.8 -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 -1 -2   no.9 -f -f  -f -1 -2   Prelude no.1 1 2 3  no.2 1  no.3  no.4 -1 -2 1  no.5 1 2   Studies no..1 -no.4 no.5 -no.8 no.9 -no.11 no.12    12 Etudes for solo guitar  Estudo no.1 no.2 no.5 no.10 no.11 Estudio 11 Etyde no.8 Estudios 11 & 12 Mazurka-Choro Maria Joao     Symphony no.1 -1 -2 -3  -1 -2 -3 -4  no.2 1  no.3  no.4  no.6 no.7 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5  no.8 -1 -2  no.9 1  no.10 1  no.12 -1 -2 -3   O Descubrimento do Brasil, Suites Simfónicas Floresta do Amazonas 1 2 3 Uirapuru Erosão Down in a tropical forest Gênesis Andante-Più mosso Fantasia for Cello and Orchestra   Introdução aos Choros Choro no.1 1 no.4  no.5 "Alma Brasileira" Choros no.6  1 2 3 4  no.6 -1 -2 -3  no.7" (Settimino)" 1 2 3  no.8 1  no.9 1 -1 -2 -1 -2  no.10 "Rasga o Coração" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -1 -2  -1 -2   no.11 -f 0 1  no.12 1 "Quintette en forme de Choros"   Piano Concerto no.1 -f -1 -2  no.2 -1 -2 -3 -4 no.3 -1 -2 no.5 -1 -2 -3 Momoprecoce, fantasy for piano & orchestra 1  Ciranda das Sete Notas for Bassoon and String Orchestra  Cello Concerto no.1 -f  -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 no.2 1 2  Harmonica Concerto -1 -2 -3  Concerto for Guitar & Orchestra 1 2    String Quartet no.1  no.2 -1 -2  no.3 -1 -2  no.4 -f -1 -2 no.5 -1 -2  no.6 -f  no.7 -f -f -f  no.8 -f -1 -2  no.9 -f -f -1 -2  no.10 -f -f  no.11 -f  no.12 -f   no.13 -f  no.14 -1 -2  no.15 -1 -2  no.16 -1 -2  no.17 -1 -2  String Trio w460   Piano Rieo  no.3 -1 -2 -1 -2 -4   Etude No2 Ondulando (Estudo Op. 31) Choro No.1 Four Piano Pieces Valsa da dor Tristorosa 1 Choros #5 para piano 1 Rudepoema Rudepoema performed   Violin Sonata no.1 -1 -2 -3  no.2 -1 -2 -3 no.3 -1 -2 -3  no.7   Song of the Black Swan   Fantasia Chôros Bis for violin & cello Pequena Suite The Jet Whistle 1 Melodia Sentimental 1 Paccagnella O canto do cisne negro    Veleiro Cair da Tarde Evocação Canção de Amor 1 2 3 Melodia Sentimental & Lundú da Marquesa de Santos Melodia Sentimental 1 Twilight Song    

◆Leonardo Vinci 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :


Vivaldi, Antonio 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Four Season -Spring 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -Summer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -Autumn 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -Winter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L´estro armonico op.3* Cantata* Usignoletto bello Nulla in mundo pax sincera Concerto in C Major L´estro armonico op.3-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8.1 -8.2 -9 -10 -11 -12 Sposa, son disprezzata 0 1


明るい陽の差し込む森の囁きや、翠風のいたずら。 東に“ずんずん流れる”ちぎれ雲の気まぐれ。 波打つ怒りの草原の、悲痛な合唱。  冬の午後の長い影法師のたくらみが、きっと暴走しようと、待ちかまえているんだ。 

Wagner, Richard 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Wagner, Richard  Wagner Birthday Gala Gala en direct de Bayreuth pour le 200e Anniversaire    Symphony in C Major -f -f -f -f   Rienzi -f -f Overture 1 3 4 5 -1 -2 Allmächt' Ger Vater 1 2 3    Der Fliegende Hollander -f -1 -2 -f -f -f -f -f -f Overture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Daland magst du mein kind Traft ihr das Schiff 1 2 Senta`s Ballad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 finale 1   Tannhäuser -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 Overture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -4 Grand March Dich teure Halle Oh du mein holder Abendstern Geliebter komm, sieh dort die Grotte O, du mein holder Abendstern    Lohengrin -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 Prelude 0 2 3 4 Prelude to Act III Liebestod 1 2  Wedding March 1 2 Elsas Traum 1 2 In Fernem Land Das süsse Lied verhallt derde bedrijf scène 1 en 2 In fernen Land       Tristan und Isolde -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 Tristan Isolde Prelude 1 2 3 4 5 Prelude and Liebestod 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Liebesnacht - Love Duet - Meier Liebestod Mild und Leise 1    Die Meistersinger -f -f -f -f -f Prelude 1 2 3 Suite Wach Auf' and Finale Wahn! Wahn! Überall Wahn! Am Stillen Herd In Winterszeit Walther's song Ein Werbelied... O Sachs, mein Freund 1 2 3 Verachtet mir die Meister nicht Selig, wie die Sonne  Final Scene Glenn Gould Play    Götterdämmerung -f Der Ring des NibelungenHigh Light): The Ring Without Words 1 The Ring The Symphonic Ring -f  Gotterdamerung Prelude -Finale 1   Rhinegold*/ Das Rheingold -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 Prelude 1 2 3 4 5  Prelude and First Scene Dalhalla Entrance of the Gods to Valhalla 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hagen's Watch Gotterdamerung -1 -2 -1 -2 Loge's monolog - -Final Einzug der Götter in Walhall Donner & The Stormhammer 1 2 3 Finale 1 2 3 4 5    Valkyries*/ Die Walküre -f -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 Ride of the Valkyries 0 1 2 3  Wotan´s Farewell 1 2 3 -1 -2 Akt 3 Wotans Abschied  Leb' wohl, du kühnes, herrliches Kind    Siegfried*/ Siegfried -f -f -f -f -1 -2 -3 Siegfried Horn Call 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heil dir, Sonne! Heil dir, Licht  Siegfried Idyll 1 2 3 4 5 Siegfried's Death and Funeral March 1 2 3 -1 -2 Siegfried's Funeral March 1 2 3 4 -Finale 1 2 3 4   Twilight of the Gods*/ Twilight of the Gods -f -f -f -f -f -f Siegfried's Rhine Journey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Götterdämmerung 1 2 3 4 5 6 Finale 1   Parsifal*/ Parsifal -f -f -f -f -f -f Prelide 1 2 3 4 5 Kundry's Seduction Karfreitagszauber 1 2 3 4 Good Friday Music 1 2 3    Wesendonck Lieder Der Engel -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -1〜 Im Treibhaus 1 2 3 4 5 Traüme 1 2 3 4 5 Schmerzen 1 2 Stehe still! 1 2 3  Der Engel 1 2 3 4 5     Wagner & Me (Stephen Fry) The Best of Wagner 《BBC Great Composers》: Wagner   Wagner Leitmotives* : Wagner's Ring Cycle Leitmotifs Valhalla - Leitmotif 8 Siegfried: Act III Die Walküre: Act I Siegfried: Act III     

Walton, Sir William 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

Symphony no.1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4  no.2 -1 -2 -3 Sinfonia concertante Variations on a Theme In Honour of the City of London Spitfire Prelude and Fugue Partita Violin Concerto -1 -2 -3 -4 Concerto per viola Cello Concerto Belshazzar's Feast -1〜 Quartetto per archi n.2 Henry V : Prologue The Battle of Agincourt The Choir of Wells Cathedral 

Weber, Carl Maria von 1/ ☆□You Tube Search : 

♫ Play List -Weber, Carl Maria von The Best of Weber -f  Piano Works -f  Symphony no.1 -f -f -f Symphony no.2 -f Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes 1 2   Der Ffreischütz* -f -f -f Overture Der Freischütz 2 3 4 5 6 7 Der Jägerchor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kommt ein schlanker Bursch gegangen Wolfsschlucht (Wolf's Glen) scene 1 2 3 4 5 -1 -2   Oberon* -f  Overture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -Ocean! thou mighty monster* Ocean! thou mighty monster. Oberon *  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   Euryanthe -f Overture 1 2 3 4 5 6   Invitation to the Dance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   Piano Concerto no.1 op.11 1 no.2 op.32 1 Konzertstück f-moll für Klavier und Orchester, Op. 79 Clarinet concerto no.1 1 2 Clarinet Concerto no.2 1 -1 -2 -3 Concerto for Bassoon op.75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Horn Concertino in E major 1 2 -1 -2   Quintet for Clarinet and Strings, Op. 34 1 2 3   Acht Klavierstücke op. 60 Fantasia and Rondo for Clarinet and Piano   Missa Sancta No.2 in G-major, Op.76, J.251 "Jubelmesse"   Sechs Lieder Und ob die Wolke sie verhülle Wie nahte mir der Schlummer.. 

Webern, Anton von 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Webern, Anton von Bach/Webern BWV1079 Ricercar 1 2 Im Sommerwind 1 Langsamer Satz 1 2 Symphony op. 21 1 2 3 F. Schubert - Deutsche Tänze D 820, no.1 Fünf Sätze -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Passacaglia 1 2 -1 -2 5 Movements, op.5 1 Concerto For Nine Instruments op. 24 1 Five Pieces For Orchestra Six Pieces for Orchestra op.6 -1 -2   String trio op.20 -1 -2 String Quartet no.-1 -2 Dies ist ein Lied op. 3 I Piano quintet -1 -2 Piano Variations Variations for Piano, op.27 1 op. 27.1 op. 27.2 op. 27.3 Variations op.27 Das Augenlicht op. 26 1 Kahl reckt der Baum op.3 V Konzert op. 24 I Lieder pour l'hiver pièce op.10 n°3 -1 -2 -3 Two Pieces Cello and Piano -1 -2 Contraste I - Violoncello und Clavier String Quartet op. 28 1 Drei Kleine Stücke, Opus 11 Six Bagatelles op. 9 4 Stücke op. 7 für Geige und Klavier some early songs | Spooky Actions performing

Wieniawski, Henri 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Violin Concerto no.2 -f -f -1 -2 -3 Legende op.17 op.18 for 2 violins -1 -2 Variations on an Orignal Theme 14th International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 13th International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition -1 -2 

Wolf, Hugo 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Xenakis, Iannis 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Xenakis, Iannis  Rebonds B/A 1 2 Rebonds B 1 2 3 4 Rebonds A 1 2 3 4 5 Psappa Psappha 1 2 Pleiades Okho -1 -2 -1 -2 Nomos Alpha Eonta -1 -2 Peaux From Pleiades Talujon Percussion -1 -2 Music for Strings | Voile Empreintes Atrées -1 -2 Syrmos" for 18 strings -1 -2 Kottos 1 ÉCHANGE Persephassa -1 -2 -3 Plekto Keren for solo trombone 1 Zythos A Hélène for female voices -1 -2 Synaphaï -1 -2 Charisma Jalons -1 -2 Synergy Percussion Ergma st/48 Pithoprakta Persepolis -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Nyuyo Oresteïa V Akrata Tetora -1 -2 Analogique A + B Anaktoria -1 -2 Mikka Phlegra -1 -2 La Legende d'Eer -1〜 Échange -1 -2 Herma Achorripsis Epicycles Dikhthas -1 -2 Metastasis 1 Diamorphoses Ioolkos Aurora -1 -2 Oophaa -1 -2 1 Synaphai -1 -2 Thallein -1 -2 Polytope Krinoïdi Zyia Gendy3 -1 -2 Kyania -1 -2 Cendrées -1 -2 -3 Troorkh, per trombone e orchestra-2 Persephassa -1 -2 -3 Nomos Alpha, for solo 'cello -1 -2 Interview -1〜

◆Zeller,Carl 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

Zemlinsky,Alexander von 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :

♫ Play List -Zemlinsky,Alexander von Symphony no.1 -f no.2 -f Symphony in B-Flat Lyric Symphony, Op. 18 -f -f Sinfonietta op.23 -1  -2 -3 Eine florentinische Tragödie Vorspiel Die Seejungfrau -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Die Seejungfrau Psalm 83 1 "Der Zwerg" Final   String Quartet 1 -f -f -f  Cuarteto de cuerda Nº 4 Op 25 -f Zweites Streichquartett op. 15 Trio op.3 for Piano, Clarinet and Cello -1 -2 -3 -f  -f -f 3 Pieces for Cello and Piano -f   Fantasien über Gedichte von Richard Dehmel, op.9   Frühlingsglaube Junge Philharmonie Zentralschweiz Songs from the Art Nouveau

加古隆 1 2/ ☆□You Tube Search :

君がいなくなった日 水の前奏曲 睡蓮のアトリエ ポエジー 一つの予感 雨の石畳 ジブラルタルの風 ノルウェーの森 白い巨塔 青の地平 海の道 風のワルツ 秋を告げる使者 博士の愛した数式 アボルタージュ 銀河 熊野古道〜神々の道 1 虹が架かる日 冷たい朝 大河の一滴 1 森と人の約束 森の精 永遠の流れ ビューティフル・ハーモニー 月と舟歌 雪の中 アダイ・アダイ Ayako 雨のソネット 咲き競う花の憧れ 湖沼の伝説</